Chapter Thirty-Nine

Start from the beginning

Damn it. I knew this could happen.

"Rejecting? What do you mean?" Alexander asked

"Think of it like a failing organ transplant. Each time Magnus performs a spell, it puts a tremendous strain on his body. he got lucky this time. He will regain consciousness. But if he uses magic again, even for something small, he might not survive." Catarina explained

I squeezed Magnus hand in fear of what could happen to him. I can't lose him.

"Why can't you just... fix him? Why can't you just take Lorenzo's magic out?" Alexander asked

"We can't. The only person who can is the person who gave them to him." I told him

"Lorenzo did this on purpose." Alexander said

"He couldn't have planned this. There is always a possibility that this could happen." I told him.

"No, he knew how desperate Magnus was. He took advantage of him." Alexander said.

I get up and stood in front of him.

"Magnus, knew the risk." I told him.

"Magnus, wasn't think straight. Now, I'm going to go give that son of a bitch a piece of my mind." He said going around me, but Catarina stopped him.

"You need to settle down. What's the shadowhunter's saying? "Emotions cloud Judgement?" You lose your temper with Lorenzo; he'll have less incentive to help. Like it or not, Lorenzo Rey is Magnus's only hope." She said

"I can't believe we need this guys help." Magnus said.

"Next time don't go to him for power." I told him

I looked down, before moving back to Magnus side. I just held his hand, feeling useless. Soon, Jace came into the room, asking for me.

"Watch him." I told Alexander, leaving the room.

"What do you want?" I asked Jace once we left the room.

"Why in the world would you want to summon Lilith. Are you crazy!?" I asked.

"Jace is always doing crazy things." Alexander told me, but I ignored him. I could see the hurt flash in his eyes, but I couldn't care in the moment.

"Can you summon Lilith?" He asked me.

"No. I will do no such thing." I told him.

"Why not? We just need to talk to her, to figure out the rune on Clary." He told me

"No, Jace. I am not crazy enough to do this. Magnus lost his magic because of the Lilith situation. Alexander almost died. I will not summon her back on this mortal plane." I told him walking away.

I went back into the room to see Alexander not inside. I let my magic out and noticed him at the loft. Damn it. I just stayed by Magnus side.

"Magnus, I need you to come back. I already lost my boy; I can't lose my kitty cat. Please, please, come back to me." I begged

No movement. I cried. All my emotions being released. My son. Magnus. My life. Alexander. I just cried. I slowly slid onto the bed next to Magnus, wrapping my arms around him.


Slowly, I felt movement below me. Magnus.

"Magnus, your awake." I said hugging him.

I slowly get up and look around me. Alexander's back... and with Lorenzo.

"Lorenzo." I said nodding my head in greeting.

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