Chapter 30

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“The party can start, we’re finally here!”

Even from across the reception hall, I could hear Tina announcing her and Julio’s entrance. I politely ended my conversation with one of our suppliers and quickly maneuver my way through the party guests to welcome the two. “I’m so glad you’re finally here!” I hug Julio first and then Tina and I embrace like we’ve known each other our entire lives. I may only know her because of her connection with Glenn, but it is clear that our bond is just strong as the one the two of them have, if not stronger.

“I’m so sorry we’re late, you wouldn’t believe the traffic getting out of the city.”

“That’s what Glenn told me earlier. Was there an accident or construction?”

“Not sure,” Tina shrugged, “I’m just glad we didn’t miss too much of the party. She looks around the room, “Where are the boys?”

“Oh gosh, somewhere.” Julio and Tina follow me as I work through the crowd and finally find just the guy I was looking for deep in conversation with Dalton and Cody. “Hey, look who I found?”

“Oh man, I was about ready to call Harrison to send out a search party!” Glenn shakes Julio’s hand and then hugs Tina. He reintroduces the two men to our friends from the city and then rests his arm around my waist. “Did you have any problem finding the place?”

“Not bad,” Julio replied. “Your directions were shit, but Tina pulled up the address on her GPS and we got right here.”

“My directions were fine, you just can’t read a map.”

“Your map looked like it was drawn by Callum, Glenn,” Tina teased. “And I have doctor’s handwriting, I can usually figure that shit out.”

“Whatever,” he grumbled, “you made it, didn’t you?”

“I wouldn’t miss this for the world,” Tina pulled me away from Glenn, “Can I please see that little baby boy now?”

“Sure,” I laughed, “but I don’t know if I can call him my baby anymore.”

“Don’t be silly,” she commented as we moved away from the guys, “he’s going to be your baby even when you’re old and gray. I can’t believe he’s one already!”

“You’re telling me.”

It’s been a little over six months since Glenn moved the Strawberry full-time. Our lives have been a whirlwind but in a great way. He’s the most supportive man I’ve met in my life and that is saying a lot. Having a stay-at-home dad has been a godsend. Glenn had never complained once about taking care of the household when I’m at work. I usually get home just in time to start dinner. Cooking is still one of my favorite hobbies and Glenn doesn’t complain at all. Even now, at a year old, Callum is enjoying real food. He’s got quite the appetite. After everything we went through to get him on the right track, I’m happy that he’s a healthy little boy.

Although there is always a chance Callum’s stomach or intestines could twist again, I know he’s in good hands with his daddy keeping a watchful eye. I know Glenn misses practicing medicine, but our family and friends keep him on his toes with their own medical questions. We’ve had more than one middle-of-the-night phone call to diagnose an ear infection or strep throat. He doesn’t mind. He still takes part in medical conferences and has plans for the future. He’s just happy being a father first right now.

Today we’re not only celebrating Callum’s first birthday, but we also decided to combine it with our engagement party. That’s right, Miss Independent is going to be a Missus soon enough. Glenn proposed on Christmas Eve after we set out all of the Santa gifts for Callum’s first Christmas. He got down on one knee and everything. I cried during the entire proposal, just waiting for my chance to scream yes and jump into his arms. Callum’s first birthday party was already planned for the middle of January, so we just changed the theme a bit and invited more people. It pays to have a reception venue that you can book whenever you want.

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