Chapter 29

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“Glenn, You know I can help you with some of these things, right?”

“We’re good, just grab the pasta salad and we’ll be ready to go. I’ll get Callum into his car seat.”

Glenn kissed me on the cheek and then left the house with his hands full. He was carrying Callum’s travel playpen, plus the cooler with drinks, and strapped to his chest in a baby carrier was our son. He wore fatherhood well. I can’t believe I ever questioned how involved he would want to be. Since Glenn officially moved in, he’s turned into a literal Mr. Mom. I call him Dr. Mom though, because I’m respectful like that.

He fit into our lives like the perfect missing piece. It had only been a few weeks and I was already forgetting what my life was like without him. It’s hard to believe that just a few months ago I was a single mom barely staying afloat. I was no longer balancing a baby who cried for hours on end, had a full-time job, and had no sleep ever. I had a partner in my life now. Somebody who took the late-night feedings when needed and made sure I ate lunch every day whether by packing it the night before or bringing it to me when the two of them came to visit. All of the little things turned into huge changes. I never knew I could be this happy.

I finally found the lid to the bowl of pasta salad that I made for today’s little get-together. We were headed out to Kelsey and Chaz’s farm to have an old fashion shrimp broil. Crawfish weren’t available in Strawberry, but we could substitute with shrimp and it would be just as good. Although we’ve spent plenty of time with my group of friends here and there, this would be the first time that we all got together for a huge party and a chance to throw a couple of beers back. For the first time since getting pregnant with Callum, I would be able to enjoy myself and let loose a bit.

“Do you remember the way to the farm?” I asked Glenn once I was buckled in.

“I’m pretty sure I do, just yell at me if I miss the turn or something.”

“Permission to yell at you? Yes, please!”

“Hush,” he grinned in my direction and then backed out onto the road. Even though Kelsey and Chaz lived outside of the city limits and down a rural road, it didn’t take too long to get there. Strawberry was so small you could drive through it in almost a blink of an eye. I kind of loved that aspect of living here.

“This one here, right?” The turn-off was marked by a colorful mailbox that Kelsey had installed. After getting my confirmation, Glenn took the long dirt road that eventually brought us to their home. Years and years ago, this had been Kelsey’s childhood home growing up. After Chaz got his hands on it, it was nothing like it once was. Since he’s a contractor, Chaz was able to do most of the work himself. They’ve even added on to their home as well as a few buildings around the property.

Back in the day, this was another sprawling strawberry farm, but these days there is just a small plot of land that Kelsey and Chaz’s mom use for hobby gardening. I was lucky enough that Kelsey always brought in part of their harvest no matter the season. My favorite was the tomatoes that they grew.

“Oh look, Blair is waiting for us.”

“Yeah,” I waved back to my sister-in-law who was walking in our direction, “she probably wants to steal Callum since it has been a few days since she’s seen him.”

“She knows she has her own kids, right?”

“Of course, but Hayes is too big to carry around and cuddle with and Esme is going through an independent toddler stage right now. To be fair, I stole Hayes from her ALL the time.”

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