Chapter 14

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I storm into my hotel room and throw my keys across the room where they hit the wall and fall to the ground with a thud. I toss my phone on the bed and resist the urge to scream and pull my hair out. I’m pissed beyond belief, but not an ounce of my anger is aimed at Emory. Why would it be? She’s Callum’s mom and I’m basically a stranger. I’d question her judgment if she did just give in without a fight.

My anger is directed at myself 100%. The way that I talked to her and how I threatened legal action if she kept Callum away from me was unacceptable. That isn’t who I am and I’m embarrassed and disappointed that I acted that way. Not only did I see the panic and hurt in her eyes, but I’m afraid I ruined this weekend. Why would she give me the time of day after I acted that way? This is not who I am or at least isn’t who I wanted to be.

Needing to get this rancid energy out of my system, I change into workout clothes and head down to the on-site gym. The equipment to choose from isn’t much, but there is a treadmill and that’ll do. Cardio has always been my favorite form of exercise. After running for thirty minutes, the ache in my chest doesn’t hurt as much as it did. With my mind a little clearer than it was before, I head back to my room and work out what I’m going to say to Emory.

Some of my best thinking happens in the shower. I have lost count of the number of times I’ve solved a tough medical case while the hot water pelts my skin. The shower at the Strawberry Inn isn’t as impressive as the one in my home, but it does the deed. There isn’t much I wouldn’t do to gain the small amount of trust I had with Emory back. I’d even drop to my knees and beg for her forgiveness. Hopefully, it won’t come to that.

I finish getting dressed back in my clothes when there is a loud banging at my hotel door. I’m not expecting any deliveries and I canceled housekeeping for the time I’m here. Even if it were one of those things, the banging is far too heavy for a person bringing something to my room. I open the door to a guy standing by himself. I don’t know him, but there is a hint of something familiar about him.

“Are you Glenn Barnes?” He asks, with a bite to his tone.

“Yes, and who are…” My words are interrupted by a heavy punch to the face. I stumble back into my room, thankfully able to keep on my feet and grab the right side of my face which is seering in pain. “What the fuck?”

The man follows me into my room and I hold my free hand up, hoping to avoid another punch. I’m not a weakling by any means, but fighting has never been my forte. A few more steps backward and my legs hit the mattress and I’m sitting looking up at my attacker who sticks his finger in my chest. “How dare you walk your rich doctor ass into this town and threaten my family! I know enough people that I will make you disappear, do not test me.”

The hint of recognition becomes glaringly obvious, “You’re Emory’s brother.”

“Unless you have another family hanging around in this town and if that’s the case we’ve got bigger problems than the fact that my sister is scared shitless right now.”

“Listen,” I put my hands up to show I’m not a threat, “I’m not going to take Callum from her.”

“I know you fucking won’t, I won’t let you,” he bites back.

“It wasn’t my intention anyway. I just,” I pause for a moment, trying to get my thoughts together, “I don’t know what I’m doing. I’m just trying to figure out how to get to know my son and I let myself get out of control. I didn’t mean what I said and I sure as hell didn’t want to scare Emory.”

He must believe part of what I’m saying because I notice his body releasing the tension it was carrying and he takes a few steps backward. “I’m glad to hear that wasn’t your intention, but according to her, that isn’t what you said.”

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