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After squinting for way too long, I finally gave up and grabbed my phone from the side table to use as a flashlight

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After squinting for way too long, I finally gave up and grabbed my phone from the side table to use as a flashlight. The room was still dark, it usually is at four in the morning, but I needed to get out of here before things got awkward. The last thing I expected last night was to find myself going back to a vacation rental with a man I had just met at a music festival, but here I am. I’ve done the one-night-stand thing before, I even have rules for myself. I broke all of those rules with Glen. For one, I knew his name was Glen. That wasn’t really my fault though, he introduced himself before I knew where this night was going to lead us.

From there, all of my rules just seem to be blown out the window. I’m fine with having a couple of drinks at a bar or club before leaving with somebody, but I put the kibosh on any more alcohol after that. Last night, the number one word I heard from the crowd that was the rental with us was, “shots.” Why not, though? I had just capped off an epic weekend music festival that brought in thousands of visitors to my small town. Sure, Strawberry Fest always brought in a lot of out-of-towners, but adding the music festival this year took it from a regional event to a countrywide one. The hard part was done, I deserved a drink…or ten.

The final mistake I made, the one that I’m feeling the most panic about now, is that I fell asleep after our hook-up was over. Hook-up doesn’t seem to be an adequate description of the night Glen and I just had. We went for more rounds than I could count and I know I’ve never had that many orgasms. Nobody would ever break this record, I wasn’t even aware my body would allow me to have that much pleasure. Glen worked my body like a magician though and by the time we were done my brain was in a fog and I couldn’t fight the exhaustion.

That mistake led me to this moment. I was trying to find my shoes so I could sneak out of here before any awkward communication needed to happen with the man that just rocked my world. “Ah-ha!” I spotted my shoe in the corner of the bedroom. I slipped on the final shoe and tip-toed to the bedroom door.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Startled, I jumped back from the door and spun around to see Glen sitting up in bed.

“I thought you were sleeping.” It was a weak response, but this is exactly the conversation I was trying to avoid.

Glen moved his feet to the ground, the blanket pushing to the wayside exposing his entire body, naked as the day he was born. He wasn’t a bit ashamed though. He had no reason to be. Glen was tall and muscular. His shoulders and chest were broad. His chest had the perfect amount of salt and pepper hair on it. Not enough to look like a wooly mammoth, but he didn’t look like an artificial Ken doll either. He picked his jeans up off the ground and stepped into them. “I was sleeping until somebody woke me up trying to escape my bedroom,” he smirked up at me.

“It’s not big deal. I shouldn’t have stayed the night. Falling asleep was kind of dumb.”

He shook his head and then grabbed a t-shirt from the duffle bag on the floor, “What’s your plan here, Doll? You don’t have a car, planning on stealing mine?”

“No,” I definitely cross my arms over my chest. “I’m fully capable of finding my own way home. You did your duty last night, I don’t need anything more from you.”

Glen snickered, “You’re feisty sober too, that’s good.” He moved past me, through the house. I followed behind him, not entirely sure what else to say. He was stubborn and ruining my plans, it was kind of annoying. Glen grabbed his keys from the kitchen counter and gestured for me to follow him outside. “Let’s go.”

“I don’t want a ride from you!” I raised my voice.

“I heard you, but I don’t care.”

“Well, I care. Our night is over, man, I don’t need you getting clingy on me.”

Glen barks out a laugh, “You think I’m clingy? That’s a new one.”

“You’re trying to drive me home, find out where I live, and shit.”

“Doll,” he steps into my space, looking down at me with his large eyes, “This isn’t me being clingy. This is barely me being a gentleman. I don’t need to know where you live, so if you want me to drop you off two blocks away we can do that too. Don’t worry, you won’t find me pining after you weeks from now. I just also don’t want to hear about the woman I just fucked going missing. So get your cute ass in the car and shut your mouth.”

I cross my arms over my chest again and straighten my shoulders, anything to cover up the fact that he intimidates the fuck out of me. “How are you going to know where to drop me off if my mouth is shut?”

He smirks and then reaches up and drags his thumb across my bottom lip, “So fucking sassy, I’m going to miss it a little bit.” Glen winks at me and then walks away from me and to his car. I mumble unpleasantries under my breath but follow his directions so he can at least get me closer to home. It is a better alternative than waking up my brother or sister-in-law to get me. 

I’d give him fifteen more minutes of my time and never think about this behemoth again.

At least that was the idea until a month passed and I took a pregnancy test that changed my entire life. So much for that night staying in the past.

Leave the Pieces (Strawberry Inn Book #5)Where stories live. Discover now