ELEVEN: Figuring it out.

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I curled up in my bed, trying to remember what happened last night. "Did we actually kiss? He seemed so sad when I didn't remember. Did he want
me to remember? Was he happy that we kissed."

My stomach twisted, an obvious sign that I could puke any moment now. I didn't pay attention to it, my mind was scrambled. I rolled around my bed, thinking about what could've happened.

"Did I really kiss Kyle?" I questioned out loud as if i'd get an answer. I felt my cheeks get hot, covering them out of embarrassment.

"I definitely kissed Kyle." I mumbled to myself, the feeling in my stomach growing. I shuffled around on my bed, wrapping myself in my blanket.

"Why did he want to kiss me though?" My brain felt even more scrambled than before. "Does he like me?" I smiled to myself.

"Wait shit- I forgot about Wendy!" I hurriedly picked up my phone, opening Wendy's contact and hurriedly texting her.

You: Hey Wendy, do you know what happened last night?

Wendy 👍: Yeah, asshole. I caught you kissing Kyle. Go ask him, not me.

I bit my lip, holding in a sigh. "Well that confirms it."  Wendy blocked me almost immediately after sending that text.

I'm an asshole. I sighed holding my phone in my hand tightly, my finger hovering over the call button.  Should I? Does he hate me for forgetting? Oh god.


I pressed the call button, listening to the ringing closely.


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