ONE: Everyone's jealous of someone.

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Stan was looking almost everywhere but the lesson he was supposed to be focused on. He had woken up feeling like shit and he wasn't even sure why. He felt distracted, uncomfortable, and annoyed. Yet, he couldn't find a single reason why. 

 Slouching in his seat, he gazed at the intent and curious, ginger boy scribbling notes intensely on his worksheet. He didn't know how he did it. Actually manage to care or pay attention to any of his classes. Like it was easy. It was all bullshit. It's not like he was mad at his best friend, though. Just jealous. He stopped tapping his feet as he noticed Kyle's eyes meet his from beside him with a confused expression. Shit. "Are you okay, dude?" Kyle questioned.

"Uh.. yeah, man. I'm fine." He chewed at the inside of his cheek as he switched his gaze to the blank page in front of him. "I have- like.. nothing written down. Can I copy yours..?" He laughed nervously. "Yeah dude, I don't mind." Kyle smiled and handed Stan his paper.

"Thanks." He took the sheet of paper, copying the neatly printed notes onto his own worksheet. He copied the notes in a messy and quick manner. It was hardly legible, but he didn't want to waste too much time and get Kyle in trouble or anything. When he was done he handed it back quickly. "Sorry, I'm just super distracted right now." 

"It's fine dude, I don't mind." Kyle gave him a quick smile before turning his attention back to the teacher. He felt himself relax at Kyle's words and he felt his cheeks warm as he watched Kyle turn his attention away. 

 Honestly, he wasn't shy to admit that his best friend was nice to look at. He was sure he wasn't attracted to him of course, but it made him even more envious of the boy. He was smart, pretty, and nice. But what was Stan? He was just.Stan. 

He frowned as he gazed away with a deep exhale and tried to focus on the his teacher's words. It felt like listening to someone who was three rooms away. He had no idea what was being said, like there was a voice saying things but nothing registered. Dude this shit sucks.


Soon, the class was over. Kyle put his notes in his backpack and looked towards Stan. "Wanna walk to class together?" "Oh- Yeah, sure." He grabbed his bag and tossed his things in lazily as he rose from his seat. "Awwww so cute, are you guys gonna go make out in the hallway?" Cartman's voice hit Stan's ears in the most irritating and painful way possible. 

 Stan grimaced. He hated how often Cartman made remarks about him and Kyle. It was like he was convinced Stan and Kyle were 'secretly super gay and ogling each other all the time'. It wasn't like that at all. Cartman is just a fucking moron.Kissing a dude would be gross as hell. He imagined kissing Kyle, and himself pulling the strands of curly, rough hair out of his friends face like he would a girl's before kissing him. He felt like throwing up and his cheeks burned with embarrassment. That would be humiliating. 

"Shut up, fatass!" Kyle yelled at Cartman, his face turning into a small blush of embarrassment. Kyle stood and grabbed Stan's arm, dragging him out of the classroom. "I'm gonna punch him if he doesn't shut up." "Seriously." Stan agreed. He felt his insides stir at the grip on his arm. Dude I've gotta be so touch starved at this point. 

Kyle let go of Stans arm and started walking to their next class. Odly, Stan and Kyle have all their classes together. It was probably because the teachers knew about their long term friendship, considering the trouble they'd get in as kids. Kyle's hair kept falling in his eyes, making him grow annoyed. "I hate my stupid hair."

"I don't think your hair is stupid." He spoke up, now staring at Kyle's hair as they walked. "It looks good on you, dude." Kyle turned to Stan. "Really?" Stan felt seasick as he saw his friend turn to him. "A-Absolutely." His face warmed up as he smiled. Kyle smiled back, his face warming up. "Thanks man. That means a lot."

I'm Jealous (Stan x Kyle)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon