SIX: Back together already, of course.

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On Monday they went to their classes as usual, Stan's hair surprisingly turned out really good. Kyle couldn't stop looking at his hair. It was a really big adjustment, but he looked good. 

 Stan and Kyle walked to math class as they were approached by a raven haired girl. "Oh my gosh Stan! Your hair looks amazing." She raved over his hair, putting her hand up to touch it. 

Kyle froze, is she seriously gonna act like nothing happened?"Look, Stan, Can we talk about us? I really wanna give us another chance. I know I was really mean to you but I miss you." She said pitifully, Kyle's blood boiled. He wanted to speak up but he couldn't.

Stan's eyes widened with surprise. He smiled at the girl, unable to resist the attention and flattery her words were bringing him. He felt his face warm at her words. "Really? You'd really give me another chance?" He asked, his voice full of hope.

Kyle felt his heart drop. "Of course, Stan! I've been an asshole lately." Wendy said, putting her hand on Stan's cheek. Stan's heart raced as Wendy's hand touched his cheek. He felt a rush of emotions wash over him, and it was clear that he was still deeply attracted to her despite her past mistreatment. 

 He couldn't pull himself from the cycle no matter how hard he tried. He had cried time and time again, even almost killing himself over this girl. This relationship was genuinely killing him. And yet to him, none of that mattered in that moment. 

 "We can start fresh," Wendy continued, her voice soft and inviting. "Just like old times."Stan felt a sense of familiarity with her words, and he was overcome with happiness at the thought of a second chance with Wendy. He smiled at her, feeling like he was finally getting what he always wanted."Okay," Stan said, the word catching in his throat. "I'll give us another chance."

Kyle felt like he could cry, After everything that happened. After how much she hurt him. I don't know why I expected him not to go running back to her. Wendy smiled and pulled Stan's face to hers and kissed him, "I gotta go! Bye Stan!" She let go of Stan's face and ran away.

Stan watched Wendy leave, feeling a mix of emotions. On one hand, he was excited about the possibility of a second chance with her, but on the other hand, he knew how much she had hurt him before and he was afraid that she would do it again. 

 It would be different this time. He just knew it. There was something about her that had changed. Right?He turned to Kyle with an excited smile on his face. "Dude." Kyle didn't look at Stan. "Let's just go to class." His voice cracked.

Stan hesitated for a moment before quietly saying, "Okay." He wondered how Kyle was feeling after what just happened. Kyle had to be a little worried, sure. Wendy had hurt him. But he was sure Kyle would trust him on this.

Kyle felt like he could rip his hair out. He couldn't understand why he was so sad. No. He was mad. There wasn't a reason for him to be sad. Why would he go back to her so quickly? She hurt him so much. They arrived to class and sat down. The teacher quickly gave them a quiz as they sat down. She said something to the class but Kyle couldn't hear it. He was confused and sad and mad, he didn't even know why. Kyle couldn't handle his emotions and got up, walking straight out of the classroom.

Stan was taken aback by Kyle's sudden departure from the classroom. He saw the anger and sadness in Kyle's eyes and knew that something was wrong. He hesitated for a moment before getting up and following Kyle out of the classroom. He caught up to him in the hallway and put a hand on his shoulder."Hey, what's going on?" Stan asked gently, oblivious to the context.

Kyle jumped and took a deep breath before words started spilling out, "Why do you always go back to her?! She's hurt you so many times. I just don't get it, Stan. You almost killed yourself because she hurt you so bad, and now your just gonna take her back???" He turned to him, his eyes filled with anger and sadness.

I'm Jealous (Stan x Kyle)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant