TEN: Stupid

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Stan woke up feeling way too comfortable and warm, letting a small sigh out and feeling slow, warm breath on him. He opened his eyes and flinched, red curls hitting his eyes. He slowly moved his hands from Kyle's side, laying on his back.

Kyle slowly woke up "Good morning." He said tiredly. "Hey." Kyle sat up and looked at Stan. "Do you remember anything that happened last night.?"

He never remembers anything that happens when he's drunk. Kyle started to panic. "Huh? Oh uh.. not really, no. Why?" He sat up, wincing as blood rushed to his head. 

Kyle's heart dropped. "Oh uhm- I was just wondering cause I don't remember anything." He held back tears as he picked up his phone, looking at the time.

"Oh, uhm. I should get going- My moms gonna get worried about me." Kyle said quickly, getting off the bed and running out of Stan's room.

"Oka-" Before Stan could even finish his sentence Kyle had blurred past him.
He felt uneasy.
Did I do something wrong?

Kyle ran out of Stan's house, tears falling out of his eyes as he called Kenny. Kenny answered and Kyle started speaking quickly, "Hey, Kenny. Can you pick me up?" He said, trying to sound as calm as he could.

"Of course. What happened?" "Can we just talk about it when you get here?" Kyle said quietly looking back at Stan's house.

"Yeah, I'm on my way." "Thanks, dude." He said before hanging up and putting his phone in his pocket.

Kyle's tears turned into sobs as he buried his face in his hands. Kenny pulled up to Stan's house, seeing Kyle's tear-stained face. He frowned with sympathy as he watched Kyle hop into the car.
"Hey buddy, how are you feeling?"

"Horrible. I feel so stupid." "What happened? Is it about last night."

"Last night-" He took a deep breath. "When we got back- He kissed me and I asked him if he liked me and he said yes but this morning he said he doesn't remember anything from last night- I'm so stupid, Kenny. I should've known this was going to happen. He never remembers a thing that happens when he's drunk." Kyle broke down into sobs.

"Jesus christ." Kenny mumbled.
Kenny sighed, putting his hand on Kyle's shoulder to comfort him.  "It's not your fault, dude."

"Even if it isn't, I'd rather he rejected me last night than him say he loves me." He wiped away his tears. Kenny nodded sympathetically.

He searched his pocket for a moment, feeling it as though he was counting.

"Hey, why don't me and you go get some ice cream? Maybe it will get your mind off of things." Kyle nodded and looked out the window, trying to distract himself.

All he could think about was kissing Stan.

Kyle felt like his heart had shattered.


Stan tried to get up from his bed, wincing at how bad his head hurt. He sat back down and frowned.

I just want to see what's up with him.

He curled up on his bed, trying as hard as he could to remember anything at all about last night.
The only thing he could remember was Kyle asking to kiss him.


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