Her words, like the wind, whispered dreams,
Guiding me through life's winding streams,
She taught me kindness, to love and care,
With her by my side, I had no fear to bear.

Nine years have woven a bond so strong,
In each other's hearts, we forever belong,
Miranda, my beacon, my cherished guide,
With you by my side, I'll face the world wide.

So let's keep soaring, my dear friend Miranda,
In our adventures, our hearts will forever soar,
Through laughter and tears, through highs and lows,
A friendship like ours only grows and grows."

Miranda felt tears weld up in her eyes, and she pouted and threw herself into Ben's arms as he lifted her by her thighs. Miranda didn't even care that she had a skirt on as she hugged him tightly.

"This was the poem that needed tweaking?"

"Yeah," he whispered.

"It's beautiful, Benjamin. Thank you. I love you." She told him quickly.

"I love you too short stuff."

Ben let her down, and he took the necklace out of the box. "The reason the bars are two different widths is because it represents the saying through thick and thin." He explained as he put it on her.

"Through thick and thin." She repeated and wiped her eyes.

"Yes, us forever."

"Dam it. I didn't expect to be crying like this. Okay, let me go grab a tissue. Plus, I want to put my flowers in water and put my poem on my nightstand."

"Okay, I'll be waiting,"

Miranda ran back inside of her house and walked to her room. She sat her poem in the picture frame on her nightstand before walking to her bathroom to wipe her eyes.

"Momma, can you put these flowers Ben got me in a vase? " she asked.

"Sure, I'll see you later."

"Alright, love you. I have debate so I should be home about 5:30 to 6."


The evening of Miranda's birthday. She was in her room waiting for her mother to finish cooking. She kept looking at the poem Ben wrote and would smile all over again.

She needed to really get a grip and move on from him.

The doorbell rung and Miranda sat up. She didn't know that her mom had invited Ben, Patricia, James, and Curt over for dinner.

"Miranda dinners ready," Elena called out.

When she walked to the dining room, her eyes widened but then softened as she gave them a smile.

"Hey!" Miranda greeted.

"Happy birthday, sweetheart! You're all grown up now." Patricia said, pulling her into a tight hug.

"Thank you, Ma pat." Miranda smiled as she gave her a card.

"Happy birthday Mandy, time does fly. It seems like yesterday you and Ben were playing in the backyard together." James voiced as he gave her a hug.

"Happy birthday, sis," Curt wished as he took a seat.

As everyone settled around the dining table, the room filled with laughter and the clinking of glasses. Elena made steaks, corn, shrimp, and baked potatoes.
Elena, with her warm and welcoming nature, engaged Patricia in a lively conversation. "So, Patricia, how's work been treating you lately? I hear you've been doing amazing things in your field."

Patricia beamed, her eyes sparkling. "Oh, it's been quite the ride, Elena. You know how it goes being one of the few women with a degree in engineering. Im working in a mans world, but I'm passionate about what I do, and it's fulfilling to rub it in their faces as well,"

Through Thick and Thin Where stories live. Discover now