Growing and Glowing

Start from the beginning

Zac: Drive safe

She know dang on well she don't know how to drive hell she hit me remember. I had some time to pass before I headed into the office I was about to make me some breakfast then the doorbell rung.

Who the hell is this we ain't have no unwanted visitors popping up in a minute and I know it ain't Deja because her ass is long gone.

Peeking out the peep hole Fatima momma was starring through the peep hole too. I tried not to say anything so she could go away but my damn phone went off.

Ms. Wilson: I know you're in there I can hear your phone, sounds like you're right by the door


Zac: Hello Ms. Fatima what can I do for you?

Ms. Wilson: I was stopping by to see Fatima

Zac: Well you just missed her I'm sure you probably already seen her drive off

She started stretching her neck looking inside like I didn't just tell her she isn't here.

Zac: Excuse you what are you looking for?

Ms. Wilson: Is that a baby book I see over there on the table?

Zac: How the heck did you see that all the way over here nosey? Breaking her neck

Ms. Wilson: Are you two expecting, am I about to be a grandmother?

Zac: Don't get to excited that's for a friend they are having a baby shower this weekend if you must know.

Ms. Wilson: Well it would be nice to finally have some grand babies

Zac: Not that you will be present considering how things are going now

Ms. Wilson: I am trying to change, I really am.

Zac: It's not me that you need to be telling this too.

Ms. Wilson: You're right maybe I should try going to her job maybe she will talk to me then

Zac: I probably wouldn't do that

Ms. Wilson: Why not she's not answering my calls

Zac: She needs some space and time

Ms. Wilson: I gave her some space she's still not talking to me I am just going to go up there.

Zac: Don't say I didn't warn you

I tired to call Fatima to give her a heads up but she didn't answer

Fatima's Job

Receptionist: Good Afternoon how can I help you

Ms.Wilson: Hello I am here for Fatima Wilson

Receptionist: Is she expecting you

Ms. Wilson: No this is a surprise she isn't expecting me. If you could just let me go back to her office please

Receptionist: I am not sure she may be in a meeting

Ms. Wilson: Can you call and see if she is free, if she is I can just go back there.

Receptionist: Sure just a second.

Calling Fatima

Receptionist: Okay she is free you can go back there

Ms. Wilson: Thank you so much

Knocking on Fatima's office door

Fatima: Come in

Ms. Wilson: Hello sweetie,

Fatima: What are you doing here

Ms. Wilson: Well your not taking my calls and when I stop by your place you are never there

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