anything you want

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- felix -

i wake up to a tingling feeling on the palm of my hand. my eyelids flutter open to see hyunjin laying beside me under the covers. his eyes gaze softly at my hand as he traces circles against my smooth skin.

     "good morning," i mumble in my low morning voice.

     "good morning," he responds, looking away from my hand to smile at me. "your voice sounds sexy like that."

     "mhm?" i hum, smirking at him sleepily. he looks so good; soft and sleepy with his messy pink hair splayed across the pillow. it feels like a scene from a dream. i reach out and gently stroke his cheek. he feels soft and warm against my fingertips.

as sleep drifts away and my head clears, my memories from last night resurface. i feel my face scrunch up with worry.

     "are we gonna be okay?" i whisper softly. hyunjin knows what i'm referring to. he reaches out a hand and runs his fingers through my hair soothingly.

     "yeah, we will. the article probably isn't about us and if it is, we'll figure it out. i've been thinking about it all morning and i think the worst-case scenario would be that my company tries to ban me from seeing you. but if that happens, chan will find a way to make it work out for us. we will get hate, but as long as you're okay, i'm sure i can handle it."

     i nod at his words and feel some tension leave my chest. hyunjin will be okay and stay with me even if our relationship gets revealed. relief floods my chest at the thought. i scooch towards him for a hug. he pulls me closer, wrapping his arms around my back and nuzzling his face into my neck.

hyunjin makes soup and rice for breakfast and i watch closely, memorizing the ingredients and steps so that i can recreate it for us next time.

as we enjoy our food, i decide it's time to bring up something else i don't want to think about.

"hyunjinnie, i should probably book my ticket back to australia today," hyunjin's smile drops instantly and i quickly explain what i mean. "i'm not saying i would leave today! it's saturday now and i'm planning on leaving wednesday morning. if i buy it today it will be cheaper, is all!" i expect hyunjin to look relieved at my explanation but he doesn't in the slightest.

     "why do you need to leave so soon?" he asks with a pout. i giggle at his cute face and question.

     "i got here on thursday, so if i leave on wednesday it will have been almost a week! i shouldn't intrude on your generosity for longer than that. plus i need to pick up the next batch of clothes so i can film for the social media accounts i run. i usually pick up on wednesdays, which is why i'm trying to get back that day," i explain. hyunjin reaches out and scoops my hands into his.

"you're not intruding at all, i really like having you here. and i already told you that i will buy your plane tickets, so please don't worry about bargain shopping, baby. if you want to leave on wednesday, i'll buy you a ticket the day before. but..." hyunjin trails off, biting his lower lip and looking at me innocently.

"but...?" i ask, encouraging hyunjin to continue his thought.

"could you please stay longer? i don't want you to leave on wednesday. that is so soon and i'm really going to miss you." he gives me puppy-dog eyes and puffs out his bottom lip sillily. i giggle at his behavior.

"okay," i start, but hyunjin interrupts me excitedly.


"no no, i'm not saying yes, but i'm okay with trying to get out of picking up the next batch of clothes on wednesday. i'll have to think of some good post ideas that don't involve new items and then pitch them to my boss and hope she says yes."

"i know you can do it," hyunjin states, smiling confidently at me and looking much more happy and relaxed now. i can't help but grin back at him. i squeeze his hands tightly in mine.

i spend the next hour on the couch scrolling on tiktok for good audios and content ideas. hyunjin's head rests on my lap as he lies on the cushions beside me. every now and then, i save audios that i think stray kids would make great videos with, before continuing my search.

finally, an idea for bassike (the australian clothing brand i work for) pops into my head. "see you again" by tyler, the creator is trending right now because people are using the part that goes "okokokok" and "lalalala" to show people that match the different vibes. instead of using people, i could show different items on the bassike website that match the energy.

"hyunjinnie, what do you think?" i show him a couple of examples and explain my idea. he looks very proud of me as he nods his head happily at my vision. i start drafting an email to my boss, including links to "see you again" tiktoks and photos from the bassike website that i plan on using in the video. after re-reading it a few times, i hit send.

"oh!" i exclaim, realizing another potential problem now that i have a moment to think. hyunjin looks up at me with wide eyes from his spot on my lap.

"what is it?" he asks in a concerned tone.

"i don't have enough clothes," i explain. "i only brought enough clothes to last me until wednesday!"

"oh!" hyunjin exclaims excitedly, launching off my lap and into a sitting position next to me. "shopping trip!"

"shopping trip? but hyunjin, we can't go in public. especially not before knowing if know-it-all is on to us or not."

"it'll be fine! i've gone shopping with other members one-on-one and people rarely recognize us. we can wear disguises! please say yes. i want to see you in all the cute clothes!"

"if you're sure it will be okay, then i'm down. it sounds really fun actually. maybe we could try going to quieter stores though? are there any good ones?"

"i know places," hyunjin says with a mischievous smirk.

WHAT DID YOU THINK OF 5-STAR? me personally, i'm obsessed.

happy comeback season AND happy pride month!!! 🌈

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thank you so much!

— starlostlovers

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