meddle about

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- hyunjin -

felix is sitting on my lap.

     in pajamas.

     with soaking wet hair.

     in my bed.

     kissing me.

     and holy shit does he feel good. his lips are soft and hot against mine and the strong scent of his freshly washed hair is making my head spin. he smells of fresh citrus and vanilla mixed with his natural aroma. i grasp his waist and press him even closer, wanting more.

as our lips move in rhythm together, i slowly slide my hands down his thighs, feeling his surprisingly muscular body through his clothes. i run my hands back up his legs, past his hips and up his back, wanting to feel every inch of him.

his warm tongue presses gently against my lips and i part them, deepening the kiss. he runs his tongue along the roof of my mouth and a shiver washes through my body. my mind goes hazy and my kisses become erratic and messy.

i feel his hands slide into my hair, twisting it between his fingers and tugging slightly. a moan escapes my lips. he holds my head back by my hair, trailing kisses down my jawline to my neck. my breathing gets heavier and i tilt my head back even more, giving in to the pleasure.

     his kisses burn against my skin, his hot lips pressing into my neck over and over. sparks fly in my vision as i feel his warm tongue slide across my skin.

"felix..." i whisper, out of breath.

"mhm?" he hums, giving my neck another kiss.

"no... hahh... visible hickeys," i manage to breathe.

felix raises his head, panting slightly, and looks at me with a devilish grin on his face, as if i just gave him a brilliant idea.

the next thing i know, i feel his teeth against my neck, biting softly. not hard enough to leave a mark... yet.

"ahh... FELIX!" i scramble to take his face in my hands and hold it away from my neck, feeling surprised and amused at his devilish behavior. he looks at me with a smile on his face, chest rising and falling with quiet laughter. he looks so freaking cute grinning between my hands that i want to let him get away with anything.

as soon as i loosen my hold on his face he playfully pretends to go after my neck again, teeth chomping open and closed like a toy shark. i tighten my grip again, restraining him as i burst into laughter. he cracks up too and we both sit there, first out of breath from kissing and now from laughing.

i soak in this moment with him, feeling warmth and happiness flood my chest.

     i've been in bed with people in the past, but never someone as wonderful as felix. now that i have him, i never want to let him go.

"will you be my boyfriend?" i ask, catching my breath and grinning at the beautiful boy on my lap.

"what?" has asks, chest still rising and falling as he regains himself. he looks at me cluelessly as if unable to process my question.

"i want you to be my boyfriend, lix." i try to communicate my genuine feelings with my eyes.

"boyfriend? but you've only known me a week!"

"sooo?? we've made out three times and you're literally staying at my apartment! those things don't usually happen in a week either."

"we kind of did everything backwards, huh?"

"yeah, pretty much! so, please felix, let me be your boyfriend." i take his hands in mine.

"hyunjin." he scolds me playfully, squeezing my hands.

"felix." i respond, giving him my best puppy-dog eyes. "i have never met someone i clicked with the way i do with you. everything i know about you is so wonderful and i want to keep learning more. i really like you lix."

"even when i pretend to bite you?"

"especially when you pretend to bite me."

"i like you too," he confirms, breaking into a grin. my heart skips a beat. "and of course, i'll be your boyfriend hyunjin."

i smile wide at his answer and kiss him softly on the lips before pulling him into a long hug. his wet hair dampens my cheek but i don't mind.

     when i pull back, i carefully pick up the towel hanging around his neck.

"here, let me actually dry your hair for you, baby," i say as i start drying a section.

     "baby?" he questions, noting my new pet name for him. his cheeks are dusted pink under his beautiful freckles.

     "do you like it?"

     "yeah," he answers, looking way too shy for someone who was literally pulling my hair two minutes ago.

     "are you going to tell the other members we're dating?" he asks softly as i work.

     "if it's okay with you, then yes. as you've probably guessed, they already figured out that i like you." felix smiles and his blush grows deeper.

     "i kind of figured that out by the way they were reacting to me at the concert... oh god, do they know we've kissed?"

"okay, i didn't tell them... but they kinda guessed because of the way my lips looked after."

"no way, really?" felix's eyes widen with humor and surprise.

"yeah," i laugh, gently squeezing more of felix's hair with the towel.

"are you gonna tell your family about us? can i tell mine?"

"mmm, good question. i think we can tell our families as long as they keep it a secret. for strangers and fans though, minho suggested that we don't come out as a couple publicly until we've been together for a long time. is that okay with you?"

"yeah, i definitely expected that. i don't mind at all. we'll have to be sneaky, but i think that can be fun, right?"

"of course. it sounds very fun being sneaky with you." i smile at him mischievously and he instantly matches it.

     i finish drying felix's hair and we head to the bathroom to brush our teeth and do skincare together. i can't stop looking at him even when he's just washing his face. he's so cute and fine at the same time that it feels impossible to not watch.

     when we're finished, we head back to my bed. after a short conversation about which side we prefer, we both get comfortable on our favorite sides.

     we lay together under the covers, facing each other. this will be my first time getting to sleep with felix. i reach my hands into the small space between us and he closes the gap, sliding his hands in mine.

     we lay there watching each other as our blinks get longer and sleep starts to overtake us.

     "you look beautiful," i whisper sleepily.

     "shhh. i'm trying to get some shut-eye," he replies.

     all the air escapes my body in a wheeze of laughter at the unexpected reference to the old lady on the plane. felix grins and winks at me before slowly drifting off into sleep.

tap the star. jk, jk... unless? 👀

— starlostlovers

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