Namjoon crouched down in front of them. "Hey, listen to me. Listen to hyung." He placed his hands on their knees. "You're going to be safe doing this. I promise. We all promise. Nobody is going to take you, nobody is going to hurt you, the people you look at won't be able to even see you. They won't even know you're there. We'll be right there with you. I understand you're both scared but the sooner you two do this, the sooner it's over with and you never have to do it again, and the sooner those bastards get locked up for good for all they've done. Doesn't that sound nice?"

Taehyung nodded through his tears. Namjoon wiped away Jungkook's. He could feel his two dongsaengs shaking as he took their hands and helped them stand up.

The cop went ahead of the members, as it took them a while to finally get Jungkook and Taehyung into the car after much hesitation. Taehyung was sucking down on the small inhaler he still had to use sometimes because the hyperventilating was making his lungs hurt. Yoongi was rubbing his back in the back seat. Jungkook rested his head on Jin's shoulder while Jimin drove them to the police station.

Throughout the entire ride the hyungs kept reassuring Taehyung and Jungkook how safe they were and how nothing bad was going to happen to them and that they were all there to protect them from everyone and everything.

Jungkook and Taehyung had to be pulled out of the car because they both put up a fight about getting out.

"No!" Taehyung screamed. "I don't want to anymore! I don't want to!" He tried pushing Namjoon away from him.

"Tae, please. Remember what I said earlier? Let's just get this over with." Namjoon's heart broke for his dongsaengs. He could see the clear terror on their faces and really wished they didn't have to do this. He felt it would kill any progress they'd made on moving forward, but he also knew it was the law that they had to do it. He just didn't know how to make them comfortable enough to move forward, so unfortunately they resulted in having to be a little bit forceful, but they knew it was for their dongsaeng's own good.

When they got inside they were put into a waiting room as the cop was getting things ready.

Taehyung and Jungkook were silent and curled up in one chair together.

The cop came back in. "Alright, Taehyung first."

"What?!" Taehyung shot up in his seat. "What do you mean me first?! I'm not going anywhere without Jungkook!"

"We need you guys to individually identify people, for accuracy purposes."

"You didn't say anything about that," Yoongi protested. "You said we could all be with them."

"You can all be with them. With one of them at a time."

"No," Hobi spoke up. "We're not doing that."

"It's protocol."

"Well fuck your damn protocol! You're making this worse!" Jimin screamed. "We either all go in there together, or not at all! They can still individually identify people while standing next to each other!"

Jimin and the cop had a silent staredown until finally the cop gave up. "Fine. I'm ready for everyone to come in."

The hyungs all stood up but Taehyung and Jungkook didn't move. The hyungs wouldn't admit it out loud but they were getting frustrated with this entire ordeal.

"Please, guys," Yoongi said in a pleading tone.

The two maknae's looked at eachother and both took a deep breath before finally standing up and slowly walking along with the rest of them. They entered a dark room that had a giant glass window.

I'll Protect You, Maknae||TaeKook FF ✓Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz