Chapter 15.

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"What do you want with Jungkookie!?" Taehyung asked angrily as the two were thrown back into the bedroom.

"I need him to get ready, it's a special night," the Master replied. The two singers were extremely curious as to what that meant. They both raised an eyebrow at him.

The Master started dragging Jungkook back out of the room. "You're coming with me," he commanded. Jungkook and Taehyung both panicked. Jungkook tried to get out of the mans grip and Taehyung grabbed Jungkook's arm and held onto him. "No!" Taehyung cried, "He has to stay with me!"

"He will stay wherever I put him! Now let go!" The Master smacked Taehyung across the face and he winced. His heart was pounding hard. Jungkook had only been separated from him once this entire ordeal and he had almost been killed during that time, so Taehyung felt absolutely desperate to never be separated again.

Jungkook didn't want to go either. Special night? Only me? His head flooded with terrible possibilities.

The Master quickly dragged Jungkook out and locked Taehyung back in. The two were screaming and crying for eachother uncontrollably. They didn't realize the severe separation anxiety they had both developed over these few days. Jungkook continued to fight out of the mans grip but it was no use. He was dragged into a separate bathroom, a separate one from the one he and Taehyung had used previously. This one was much nicer.

"What is this?" Jungkook asked confused. The Master threw a fancy pair of clothes at him, "Take a bath and then get into these."


The Master stomped his foot and made Jungkook flinch. "Did I say you could ask questions?! Just get yourself cleaned up and put the damn outfit on!"

The Master left and slammed the door closed behind him. Jungkook looked around and saw a giant tub with water already poured into it, sitting on the floor next to it was some soap and a towel. He didn't understand what was going on but decided his only choice was to listen. He got rid of his torn and blood splattered clothes and got into the tub of water. As nice as it felt to finally clean up for the first time, he couldn't help but feel guilty. Taehyung needs this too.

He cleaned himself up quickly and got into the outfit. It was actually a very nice outfit, which also didn't make sense to him. A silky blue shirt with a pair of nice dark jeans. But why?

The Master came in not too long later. "This should work," the Master smiled.

"I don't understand why I have to-"

The Master smacked him on the mouth and told him to stop talking. He grabbed Jungkook and dragged him back to his room and pushed him in. "Now wait here. I will be back tonight."

Taehyung leaped off the bed and ran to his maknae, instantly pulling him into a hug. "Are you okay?! Are you hurt?! What did he want?! Why did he-" he paused when he realized Jungkook was clean and dressed well. "Oh-well don't you look handsome! But...why?"

"I don't know," Jungkook replied nervously. Taehyung could feel Jungkook trembling. "I'm scared about it, hyung." Jungkook looked at Taehyung with desperate eyes. "Why would he make me-"

The two both silently stared at eachother and had had the same thought.

Taehyung pulled him back into a hug. "It'll be okay. If he does anything weird I will kill him! I swear I'll kill him!" Taehyung kept reassuring him that everything was going to be okay. They spent more hours trapped in the room. The anxiety was high as they knew that every hour that passed was an hour closer to the Master coming in and pulling Jungkook away again to do whatever it was he wanted.

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