"I'm not leaving with you if that's what you mean" Mira stated firmly.

He looked her up and down. "You've got nerve trying to defy me, girl" he observed.

"You've got nerve coming here"

He laughed, the sound was harsh and threatening. "Gwaine doesn't scare me, I could have killed him long ago but I let him live, that was my mistake"

Mira recalled a time when Gwaine had tried to stand up for her. He had only been sixteen then and yet Osric  had managed to lock him in a dark room for nearly two days before she escaped her Uncle and freed him.

"What age are you now? You were nineteen last I saw you, or was it eighteen?"

"Nineteen" Mira corrected,"You look the same"

"Do I?"

"You can leave now, don't let me see you again" she said nervously, hoping he would just go.

"No, I think I'll stay and talk for a while" Osric said cheerfully.

"Leave, I'm busy" she urged.

"I said I'll stay and talk" he said quietly, taking a step towards her, his voice was dangerous. Mira couldn't move, yes she felt more confident around him than three years ago, but that didn't stop her from being terrified. As he took another step forward she looked frantically at her bedroom door, willing someone to walk in, like Arthur had when Uther had questioned her.

"There's no point looking for help Mira, no one is going to come" Osric took another step.

"There are Guards everywhere, if you do anything you won't be able to escape Camelot, I could call right now and they'd come" she tried, her voice shook and she took a step backwards. Her back hit against the window. He had her cornered.

"That Prince's threats don't worry me"

"Well they should" the words sprang from her lips before she even realised.

His eyes darkened, she took her chance. Mira balled her hand into a fist at her side and quickly launched it towards his face. But he was fast, he caught her by the wrist, inches away from his face and tugged her arm behind her making her spin round. He grabbed her other arm before she could do anything and started pulling her arms up her back. Her shoulders began to ache and her arms burned.

"Not this time, but I'll be back" he whispered and pushed her to the ground. He slammed the door shut as he left.

Mira didn't move, just stayed paralised on the ground.

After a few minutes her arms stopped aching from being pulled backwards in the wrong direction. She sat upright and watched the rain splash on the window. Suddenly the door flew open and Gwen, along with every Knight, Arthur and Merlin, each with a sword at the ready, bar Merlin and Gwen. They stopped when they saw her.

"He's gone" Mira declared quietly.

Gwaine walked over to her cautiously. "Mira are you alright? Did he hurt you?" he questioned gently.

She shook her head but her hands shaking gave her away. He took her upper arm, only lightly but she winced. Okay, the pain wasn't gone. He carefully took her hand and slipped another arm around her waist and helped her up. Suddenly she felt exhausted as if just seeing Osric had drained all her energy.

"What did he say?" asked Gwaine, waiting for a chance to leave so he could go after the man.

"Not much" answered Mira, her voice stronger now,"But one things for certain: Osric is a lot more dangerous than he was before"


"That's a lot of books you have there"

Merlin got a shock and nearly jumped out of his skin but was relieved to see Mira looking at him with a smile.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you"

"No, its fine" he returned her smile and she sat down. "Why aren't you in your chambers its past midnight?" he asked.

"I couldn't sleep" she murmured.


She nodded.

"Gwaine won't let him go near you again Mira" Merlin tried to cheer her up.

She was quiet for a minute. "Do you know what it's like to feel hunted Merlin?" Mira whispered. He wanted to say yes, but instead he didn't say anything. "I don't understand, he has the land, he has everything, and yet he still won't leave me alone. From the time I was eleven my only friend was Gwaine, he was all I had, and then I came here and I thought for once that I belonged somewhere, that everything was going to be alright. But he still found me" her eyes glistened with tears as she looked at the candle.

Merlin got the feeling she was talking to herself more than him. "Osric is afraid Mira, he doesn't want you taking back what's rightfully yours. I don't know anyone more capable of protecting you than the Knights, they're the best in Camelot and they all love you Mira. You'll be fine"

She smiled gratefully.

"But actually" he added,"There is one person more capable at protecting you"

"Who?" she asked.

"She's sitting right in front of me"


Merlin nodded. "Gwaine told me a lot about how you coped when you lived in Carleon. You were brave Mira, you were brave today. Gwen said you stood up to him. You've just got to trust yourself, then he can't touch you"

"Thanks" she said, bewildered. She hadn't seen this side of Merlin before, it was like he knew exactly what she was going through...."There's something about you Merlin..." Mira started, studying him. She remembered Gwaine saying that he'd gone after Arthur to the Perilous Lands because he thought the Prince was in danger. His black hair was messy from the day but this time when she looked at his eyes, they looked almost wiser, but he still had his usual smile in them. "Something that makes me think I'll owe you my life one day" she continued.

His smile faded slightly.

"Anyway, thank you Merlin" Mira smiled warmly and got up and left.

Gaius, who had been at a bookshelf, came out. "Why did you hide?" Merlin laughed.

"She seemed upset I didn't want to interrupt her" Gaius replied setting another book on one of the piles.

"How much she sees, without even looking properly" Gaius murmured. Merlin's laughed died as he nodded his agreement. "Let us hope, that she doesn't start looking properly, especially in your case" Gaius warned.

Merlin knew all too well what the older man was talking about: his magic.

With All My Heart || Arthur PendragonWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu