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    Looking at the white expanse of Jiang Qi around him, he expressed his calmness. He didn't get into a car accident, stepped on a banana peel, didn't save a child, didn't meet an old man, and didn't look at the computer. . . After listing all the possibilities of time travel one by one, Jiang Qi couldn't figure it out, he didn't encounter anything, he just had a good sleep, why did he wear it?

    [Ding, the system is starting...

    Name: Jiang Qi

    Age: 22


    Male Orientation: Male

    Hobbies: Handsome Guy

    Physique: A little weak

    Perseverance: Upper-middle

    mental strength: S

    has been bound by System 001. ]

    [Ding, refresh... Refreshing is complete, the system has been turned on]

    [Hello host, system 001 is at your service. 】

    Jiang Qi said he was stunned by the series of ding ding sounds.

    This, could this be the legendary system?

    "Hello, are you the system?"

    [System 001 is at your service. 】

    Facing the legendary system, Jiang Qi acted very cautiously, and asked, "Excuse me, where am I?"

    [System space]

    Inorganic mechanical sounds suddenly sounded around, which was very frightening, and Jiang Qi was startled .

    Jiang Qi: "Why am I here?"

    [001 is artificial intelligence, from the 26th century, and came to the 21st century to choose a host. ]

    Jiang Qi had a bad premonition, pointed at himself and said, "The host you're talking about is me, right?"

    [Yes. 】

    The expected answer, Jiang Qi wanted to cry, he just wanted to stay at home and wait for death! (Pounding the ground)

    "... You are looking for the host to complete the task, right?"

    [Yes. ] 001 is a little puzzled. It clearly detects that this person's intelligence is at the level of a normal person. How could he know to do the task?

    Poor 001 from the future doesn't know that there are ancient books in this world called novels!

    The hunch was confirmed again, Jiang Qi calmed down, and asked weakly: "I just want to know how many missions are there?"

    [There is only one mission. 】

    Jiang Qi felt relieved, before he could breathe a sigh of relief, he was taken aback by 001's next words.

    [But there is more than one world. 】

    Jiang Qi hangs in his throat at a stretch, and his whole body collapses_(:3」∠?)_

    Jiang Qi: "Can I not accept it?"

    [If you don't accept it, destroy the host. 】

    Jiang Qi breathed a sigh of relief, and said indifferently: "Then destroy it!"


    001 felt that it might not have made it clear.

    [The host should think about it clearly, if the soul is destroyed, there will be no chance of reincarnation in the next life. ]

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