forty two | i will have my revenge

Start from the beginning

"A mother," said Juniper, without hesitating. "Someone I could confide in. Someone who always had my best interests at heart. Someone who looked out for me. Unlike you."

"Ouch," scoffed Laurel.

"If it hurts, good," said the dryad, coldly. "If I die the second I kill you, it'll be worth it."

"Why? Why would anyone want to die for some giant shapeshifter?" Asked the woman. "You haven't even seen what the world has to offer."

"Save your philosophical rubbish for the afterlife," snapped the dryad. "Because I will have my revenge."

Realising what was to happen, Laurel's cocky expression changed in a blink. Her eyes grew wide and her skin paled. Her breath trembled as she spoke pleadingly, "No—no please don't!"

"Say hi to the devil for me, murderer," giggled the dryad, ripping her claws out of her former aunt figure's body and raising a hand to deliver the killing blow.

She never did slash the woman's throat open, for the second she brought her hand down, her vision went black.

—Time Skip—

The crypt smelt of rot, decay, and death. Juniper heard a scratching sound from somewhere, and her eyes snapped open. However, she felt her senses slow, and her head began to ache so badly, she had to lean against a wall to regain composure as well as balance.

Her hazy vision caught sight of Kelpie dangling from the ceiling, chains wrapped around his body securely and his mouth muzzled with enchanted metal.

"Kelpie!" Gasped Juniper, rushing to her cat, who meowed through the muzzle with difficulty. She stroked his fur and gently tried prying the muzzle off him, but the metal singed her fingers, making her wince.

"I'll get you out soon, my darling," smiled the girl. "I'm so sorry you have to go through this..."

Laurel quietly snuck up on the dryad whilst she comforted the cat, and the woman carefully sunk the 'headache medicine'-containing injection into the dryad's neck. She made sure every drop was pushed into the girls bloodstream and caught her as she stumbled.

"Aunt Marilyn?" Slurred the dryad, baffled. "Why am I here?"

"Crackstone's coming," smiled the woman. "He'll need your help."

"Oh..." Juniper's voice was dazed. "Why's Kelpie all tied up?" 

Marilyn shot a scathing glance at the cat, who growled through the muzzle. She looked back at Juniper, saying, "Cats and spirits don't go well, isn't it? We need Crackstone at his best form for everything to work." 

Juniper nodded and patted her cat's head gently, moving back towards the altar. 

She noticed Wednesday dangling a few centimetres off the ground, hands bound by shackles attached to the ceiling. 

Tyler moved over to her, much to the dryad's displeasure. However, her anger towards him subsided as a wave of agony washed over her. She let loose a series of hacking coughs, each one rattling in her chest. Blood hit the ground and her hand as she tried to quell her illness, but with no avail. She shook her hands free of blood and carefully walked over to Marilyn, each step feeling like she was dragging a hundred-pound weight on either leg. 

𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊 - 𝐖𝐞𝐝𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐀𝐝𝐝𝐚𝐦𝐬Where stories live. Discover now