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Book Title: Through her eyes

Author: _jugnuu_

Reviewer: Cranberry_Jo

Chapter 1

So my first impression was 'it's so romantic' especially the "Do you want me to call you madame for the rest of my life?" part at the end. Their first meet was nice and Gautam seemed like a real gentleman but if a stranger suddenly asked me to get in his car, I would probably think of him as a creep. 

Naina's train of thought was relatable. But it seemed a little rushed even though, in real life, we too think like that, going from one topic to another in a hurry. All in all, it was rather good for a first chapter but a few things could have been phrased differently. There were no grammatical mistakes as far as I know but the vocabulary could have been a little more enhanced. At the end of the day, I would say it's interesting to read just with very few shortcomings.

Chapter 2

I loved it! I loved the small jokes to the toned-down flirting and the funny first date at the yoga centre. Being an Indian, the 'nidra'(sleep) joke was very relatable. However, it was a little cringe when Gautam says that girls are said to understand things and Naina bites her lips but we all do love our correct amount of cringe, don't we? But on a more serious note, I would have liked more moments between Naina and Gautam before they go to stage flirting. 

Also, my favourite part was the bike scene and I would have certainly loved a little more details about the freedom she felt by touching and feeling the wind at her hands and most importantly relishing the control of the freedom. Same as last time, the grammar is alright and so is the tense. The plot is good and the characters are funny. All in all, it's a good story.

Chapter 3

I liked the proposal at the Eiffel Tower however Naina was right. They didn't even know each other properly and yet here they were getting married. The proposal seemed romantic though. And although the lines seem cheesy and perhaps a little reckless and immature, I still like it. After all the famous line is "I love you to the moon and back' and nothing could get cheesier than that! It's all my perspective, really. And the plot twist was awesome and I was so immersed, I was like "Gautam, don't do it" but he did it anyway and that's the whole point. And the fact that no one helped makes it even more sadder. 

The last line before Gautam faints "My word, my new blooming love and all my dreams of a love-filled life blacked out in a moment' was a great way to put it. But the pov change was sudden and readers (I am again saying this is my perspective) rather like reading the same pov throughout the chapter. It showcases more maturity. The grammar was fine but the vocabulary could have been enhanced, especially the describing parts. I loved the chapter though.

Chapter 4

It was heart-wrenching, honestly. The part where Naina said that losing her sight hurt her less than losing Gautam or the part where she asks God how someone falls out of love, were the ones that seemed the most memorable to me. I expected more surprise though or words like thunderstruck when she suddenly met Gautam out of the blue. Naina was overthinking and all her feelings at the moment seemed relatable but after meeting her beloved after 3 years and based on Naina's character, I would have expected tears, perhaps. 

The plot is good and the characters are relatable and the sacrifice we learn of in the next chapter is probably the best part of the whole story. The grammar is correct as far as I know but there was a line where Naina thinks "I was mad to ever imagine that this could happen." Perhaps the use of crazy instead of mad and 'that' in the place of 'this'. Except that, it's all fine

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