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Author: ValerieEveDiestro

Book Title: When Morning Meets Night

Reviewer: Read-aholic2006

(Keep in mind that this review is solely based off of the only two available chapters of the book.)

Cover: 9/10

The cover is rather creative and simple. The black background contrasts well with the soft yellow and blue text, allowing the title of the book to stand out. The detailed picture of the sun resting behind a mountain range perfectly matches the title and theme of the story.

However, it's slightly difficult to read some of the smaller text; maybe the words can be emboldened or the picture downscaled so the text can be enlarged.

Title: 10/10

Not much to say except that the title is intriguing intriguing, different and ideal.

Blurb: 9/10

The blurb is compendious, easily arousing interest in readers—especially those that are fans of the romance and fantasy genres. The blurb briefly introduces our main characters, vaguely mentions the storyline and what is to happen in the book and is topped off with a rhetorical question to lure readers into the story.

Creativity/originality: 10/10

I haven't heard of a storyline like this one before: Sol lives in a place where nighttime does not exist, whereas her potential lover resides in a place beyond the stretching ocean where daylight has no throne. The two start exchanging bottled messages across this ocean and become good friends and so on. It's a pretty captivating storyline.

Plot/flow: 20/20

I've only read two chapters of this book but I can already infer that the pacing of the plot is fairly reasonable. The author immediately sets the scene for her readers and doesn't take too long to explain what is happening. She doesn't rush through her story, however; she takes her time with the descriptions. This creates a wonderful balance between slowing down the plot and sliding the story into the desired direction.

Characters: 7/10

So far, I've only been introduced to two characters. Mainly just one—Sol. Not much was revealed about her, though. I don't yet have a clear idea of what she looks like or what she is like, but despite the lack of such details, the characterization seems to be sufficient.

Writing style/grammar: 7/10

The author writes beautifully. The details embedded within her sentences paint vivid pictures in one's mind. There are, however, quite a few grammatical errors throughout her writing.

Also, some sentences were incomprehensible due to incorrect wording. But I love the descriptive wording and imagery.

Genre relevance: 10/10

The main genres, I believe, are fantasy and romance. Both genres have already been displayed in the first chapter—our female MC has been struck by Cupid's arrow and we're introduced to two magical places.

Reading enjoyment: 8/10

I have barely read 1% of this story but I like it so far. It wasn't exactly hard to understand and the book is giving me modern fantasy vibes. I think with a little more refinement, this story can earn itself its own pedestal.

Overall thoughts: 90/100

The story still has a lot of potential. You have only written two chapters and I'm already impressed by what I've read. My main pieces of advice are to focus on grammar and to ensure that your sentences are sensible and not too wordy. Also, keep in mind the plot of your story so you don't shove it in the wrong direction and fall into the trap of diverting from your storyline or pushing it down winding paths that would slow down your plot development. Keep working on this and you'll reach perfection!

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