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Reviewed by: luminology

Book Title: Lullaby of Death

Author's Name: summerwitch_

Title: 10/10

Your title is intriguing and hooked me into your story. I liked how it added on to the ballerina aspect of Aster's personality. As I read on, I also realized that it also fits into the world that Aster gets thrown into.

Blurb/Description: 8/10

The blurb is so well-written and interesting. It felt like the description of a fantasy book in a bookstore. While it was interesting, it wasn't the best description ever and got the point across.

Creativity and originality: 10/10

Your story was so original! The world building was just immaculate! It was amazing how well you depicted this fantasy world and steadily built it up in the early chapters. I also found it interesting that you chose to write about seirims instead of the typical mythical creatures, like vampires or werewolves, etc.

Plot and Flow: 19/20

The plot is well thought out. I loved how you focused on the action and adventure part of the story with romance not being a major part of the plot. While the story moves slowly at times, I think it's still really well thought out with the adventure of everything an absolute thrill to read!

Character Development: 8/10

While your story is still in it's early stages, there hasn't been much change to the characters, especially Aster. She still seems like the same Aster in the beginning of the story. Other than that, the characters are so lively and realistic (as realistic as one can be while writing fantasy)!

Writing style, Grammar, spellings, etc.: 10/10

I love your writing style! Your beautiful descriptions immerse me in the story and really adds to the entire world you created! Your writing is flawless and inspiring!

Overall: 65/70

Your story is well written with an original plot and amazing characters! While the blurb could use some minor tinkering everything else was amazing! All the problems that I found with your story were really just small things that don't really overshadow how great your story is!

Tips – These are just friendly suggestions from one writer to another

I think it would be great to focus a bit more on your characters and how their goals and motivations mold them. For example, how does Aster looking for the feather impact her both negatively and positively. While you showed that a little bit, you could also add in something that shows how it negatively impacts her personality and changes her. 

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