11. Renewing your mind

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Romans 12:2 

"And be not conformed to this world :but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind ,that ye may prove what is that good ,and accepted and perfect will of God ".

The quality of your life is controlled by the quality of your mind , while the quality of your mind controlled by the quality of the information you are exposed to . The temptation to listen to sexually related music ,watch ungodly movies , pornography ,keep relationship with bad friends ,and look up to ungodly sport , movies and music stars as mentors and hero's can be tempting even for a born-again and tongue -speaking teenagers . Sometimes , even as born-again Christians we struggle with temptations bad habits and emotions and wonder if we are still born again .( I used to be like that I use to struggle alot  most times I cry myself to sleep just because I have done something wrong or I have walked out of God when he was talking to me but you know what his grace kept me going and moving  ) 

We cry in prayers and ask Him for his help to Wal perfect and complete in him        The good news is that God gave us a way through His word .In God's word ,we can advise and guard our hearts with all diligence and just like the key scripture says ,we are not to conform to this world but be renewed I'm our mind through the word of God . This therefore means that if you must not conform to the world's  music and every other form of lifestyle that does not glorify God , you must change the way you think and to have a new thinking pattern ,you have fill your mind with things that are Godly by daily studying and meditating on the word of God ,and also by keeping Godly relationship 


I prosper in all my ways in Jesus name because my mind is filled with things that are true ,good and pure in the sights of God .

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