1 ☞Becoming a born again

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Becoming a born again ,took me back nine years ago ,that moment was an awesome one ,also seeing myself as a twelve years old who just became a Christian was like the most happiest moment of my life that mad me to think back when my mom use to say anytime someone was born again , heaven will be happily rejoicing .

2 Corinthians 5:17

Therefore if any man be in Christ ,he is a new creation ,old things has passed away ,behold all things are become new.(Nkjv)

Now that you are a believer in Christ, you are a new creation! You have the power of Christ in you. You are made new! You have a fresh start on life and can live without past guilt or shame.
Being a new believer in Christ is the best thing that can happen to you or will happen to you because your struggles and guilty is all over , because Jesus has taken them away,you now have a in life in Christ.
When I gave my life to Christ ,that was nine years ago it was like I got this freedom I never had ,I felt this fulfillment within me .That was because God was working on my inside ,he was mending my broken heart ,God fix Every broke heart that is why we should never be ashamed to go to him ,his hands are always open ready to welcome you home so never be ashamed .

Remember the story of the prodigal son ,how he spent all his money and his friends left him ,he was Left without nothing ,but he still went back home , because he was not ashamed,when he got home and he father saw him from afar he ran and welcome him , with a warm hugs .God is not man and he does better so never be ashamed to go to your maker.

Maybe this is your first time learning about God or trying to read the Bible. That's awesome!

One of the ways you can learn more about God is by reading the Bible. As Christians, we read the Bible to learn more about God and to hear what He has to say to us.

Why? Because life with God is a relationship. How good are your relationships with people you know nothing about, or who don't say anything to you?

That's not how life with God is! He desires to communicate with you through prayer and the Bible. Are you ready for the adventure?

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