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"Finally after 2 years im back"

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"Finally after 2 years im back". yoongi just arrive Seoul after 2 and half year. He was waiting for his friend to pick him up. Since he was the only one with whom yoongi was in contact . After wait for what feels like hours finally he was welcomed by a bone crushing hug. From his only hyung.

"yongiiiiiiiii~" " I missed you my babe my small kitty "
"hyung leave me I can't breath, I don't wanna die this young " finally he was released from that warm yet dangerous hug. "yehhh. You brat " yoongi didn't utter a word he was just looking at his hyung. It would be lie if he say he didn't miss the elder and Seoul . But most importantly he missed his hyung. Maybe they are not brother by blood but he know he love his hyung so much.

"why are staring at me like that. I know I'm handsome but boy I'm already taken ".elder said while laughing. (his windshield laugh) .
"hyungg~" yoongi whining like a kid and hug his hyung so tightly.
"I miss you so much Jin hyung "
Yoongi said with tears in his eyes. "I missed you too my babe" jin replied while holding back his tears. Jin hug younger more securely. "I'm not a babe " yoongi said while hugging his hyung tightly. His voice come as muffling. Jin chuckle and pull away from yoongi. "whatever helps you to sleep at night...... Babe".jin said while laughing "let's go I'm so hungry ".yoongi said and leaving laughing jin behind.

(yoongi outfit)

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(yoongi outfit)

Yoongi's pov

We're going to my new apartment. The old one I left because I don't wanna live there anymore. His memory still haunt me . 'our home ' is no more safe place for me . I thought that I'm move on from his memory and the betrayal but no it still hurt like bitch.

When our car pass his favorate cake shop, all beautiful memory hit me like wave. Subconsciously tears roll down my cheeks ,I was staring and nothing. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't hear what jin hyung was talking to me. Suddenly I feel something soft touching my cheeks jin hyung was staring at me softly. ' you're still thinking about him? ' he said in soft voice while wiping away my tears. 'I'm trying not to ' I was trying to control my emotions but fail and more tears roll down my cheeks.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't release he has park the car near coffee shop. ' you know that you can talk to me about your feeling ' he said.
'I miss him hyung ' finally I broke down in his arms. He was caressing back trying to comfort me. ' why did he do that hyung' I was crying like a baby in his arms. 'forget about him yoongi, they don't deserve your tears ' He said still holding me close to his chest.

Author pov -

Yoongi and Jin was busy in there talk when someone walk towards them. The person slowly tap on yoongi's shoulder to get his attention. When yoongi turn back he immediately regret it. Standing in front of him was the man who give him pain. Yoongi feel like running away again from his past lover. He can't face him not now, not in future.
'yoongi'. That voice yoongi miss so much . He didn't say anything. Damn he can't find words to say. He was looking at the man he love so much who cheated on him standing in front of him.

'what do you want jewon? '.it was jin and his voice sound little annoying and angry.
'I-I just saw y-yoonie and came to meet him'. Jewon replied in soft voice and yoongi can see tears building up in his eyes. Yoongi was going to say something when he again said ' p-please yoonie, I'm sorry for what I did in past. Please forgive me ' . Now jewon was crying and sobbing.

'I forgive you jewon' . Yoongi said and was ready to leave with jin when jewon again said something which make him sad and angry at same time. 'can you please come back to me '.his voice was trembling while saying that.
'FUCKING LEAVE HIM JEWON. HE DESERVES SOMEONE BETTER NOT A CHEATER LIKE YOU '. It was there first time seen jin so angry. His voice was deep and full of rage. 'I-'. Yoongi cut jewon off in middle and said 'I can forgive you but I can't trust you .you were the one that ruin everything we had and I move on from our relationship. Bye jewon and don't show me your face again '. With that they leave the cafe and a crying jewon behind.

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Phewww! Writing ff is tough job 😩. I will try to upload next part on friday . Hope you like it . This is my first try . Please show love and if you don't like give me a review because I believe in improving myself 💜😇.

 Please show love and if you don't like give me a review because I believe in improving myself 💜😇

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