❤️ S/o like Ibuki

Start from the beginning

He might ask a few questions at some of the strange things you say, but eventually just accepts that you say random things (He still might blush a bit at some of your more affectionate words)

He's a bit reluctant, but eventually agrees to perform a duet with you, having experience in singing through hymns in church

He's not a huge fan of your music, and might politely ask for you to turn it down sometimes, but he still supports you and your passions

He would invite you to play for the kids at the orphanage, as long as the songs were child friendly and wouldn't destroy their eardrums

During one of these private concerts, you played a song that he wasn't familiar with, and was shocked when you said it was about him

It was probably the most flustered and flattered you ever saw him, and the kids teased him about it for weeks, begging for you to play it again and again

"Good nom nom noming you sexy cutie~!"

"I'm...not sure what that means, but thank you..."

That doesn't stop the blush on his face

Haruhiko Kobashikawa:

Didn't expect to have a classmate this loud, but was able to match your enthusiasm

He screamed when he heard you play for the first time, and his ears continued to ring for hours later, but he still supports you

Haruhiko might try to learn a new instrument such as the guitar (mostly to impress you), but would constantly forget cords and have no idea what he's doing

If the two of you did a duet, he'd try to act cool and romantic but would end up forgetting half of the words

He's confused and kinda concerned at some of the weird things you say, but will blush a bit when you say something romantic

If you made a song for him, he would brag about it for as long as he possibly can

The two of you are two loving and energetic idiots, and while Haru's not a great singer, he's your number one hypeman!

"Good nom nom noming you sexy cutie~!"

He's red for a moment before responding, "Good..uh, whatever to you too! Haha.. you're the cutie..."

Kakeru Yamaguchi:

He initially flinches at your loud personality, but eventually gets used to it

Meaning he can keep himself from passing out at some of the affectionate things you say to him

He'll timidly ask what you mean whenever you say something random, to which you'd always say something even stranger

You confuse him sometimes, but you still help him with interacting with others and expressing himself more

He was oblivious to your feelings for him, so Kinji and Kanata probably had to spell it out for him

If the two of you ever sang a duet, he might have to stop a few times, and you oblige, not wanting him to be uncomfortable

Your music definitely surprised him, but it does help him speak up (to ask you to please turn it down mostly-)

You like to perform private concerts for his sister, and use some of your tour money to help pay for her treatments

Kakeru's entire face would turn pink if you wrote a song about him, and would completely pass out if you even spoke about releasing it

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