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After the hero showdown Drago informed both teams that he had to go back home

Mario: do you really have to go back?

Drago: Unfortunately I have to it was fun competing with you guys but I have to go

Sonic: well at least we can form a line and say goodbye to you personally as you get to your jet

Drago: that's actually a good idea let's do that.

At the airport VIP section everyone from the line to say goodbye in Drago first up was Mario and Sonic

Mario: it was great competing with you man

Sonic: have a safe trip man I'm gonna miss ya

Drago: I miss you guys too

Next up was Luigi and Tails

Luigi: you help me be a lot more confident and I thank you for that

Tails: thank you for helping me compete in the events I'll miss you

Drago: you guys got this you're a sidekick I'll miss you as well

Next up was peach and daisy

Peach: thank you for choosing us help you with the figure skating

Daisy: it was truly an honor to compete with you

Drago: the pleasure is all mine princess I hope we meet again

Next up was knuckles and Amy

Knuckles: you sure are strong man I hope we get to see each other again

Amy: I miss your Drago but I will never forget you

Drago: same to you Amy and knuckles I will never forget you

Next up was bowser and Yoshi

Bowser: you definitely have the markings of a king you'd make a great leader some day

Yoshi: I'm really gonna miss you

Drago: I miss you too Yoshi and thank you Bowser for the compliment

Next step was Silver and shadow

Silver: you proved you could change the rankings so I can change the future.

Shadow: I wanna start I was the ultimate but you proved me wrong YOU are the ultimate

Drago: Silver you can change the future and shadow we are BOTH the Ultimate life form

Next up was Metal Sonic and Bowser Jr.

Metal Sonic: you proved you can match my V4 Valium fusion engine you have earned my respect

Bowser Jr: You could even best me and my dad you earn my respect as well

Drago: thank you the both of you you can  reach greater heights through training.

Next up was Victor and Rosalina

Victor: you did pretty well on those events even beating me you're very talented sir

Rosalina: you did beautifully in every event you deserve every Gold medal you have

Drago: thank you boss you did pretty well yourselves if you keep at it you'll win the gold

Last to go was Blaze

Blaze: hey Drago I just wanted to say thank you you truly made me happy when you chose me to be on your team you are truly the best compatibly I had to compete against thank you.

Drago: Blaze, I know you are truly a great competitor and a great princess you make a great ruler keep going till your goal and you can make it.

Drago: thank you everyone for giving me this awesome opportunity to compete against you all win the gold medals I will forever treasure these memories now I have to go bye everyone

The Mario and sonic crew: Bye Drago!

And with that Drago took off in his jet to go back to Canterlot.

End of episode in story.

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