Winter Sports Champion Race

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Drago had just won the speed skating 500 m and was ready to take on the winter sports champion race.

Announcer: welcome back vans for the champion race of winter sports let's watch and see how this plays out.

A Helicopter huge over the course it open the side door to reveal  the four competitors

The Competitors jumped out  of the Helicopter and headed toward a gear change gate

Some people got a snowboard one of them got ice skates and the other got a bobsled

They started going through the special areas designed for the piece of gear after another gear gate the course shifted into a Canyon what is a train passing above.

The racers went through the gate and gained a piece of gear and after a while after another gate it  went into a ice cave.

After reading another gate the competitors got there fine piece of gear I bet you're wondering who are these competitors well time to yeah them the person who got skis was peach the person who got a snowboard with Drago the person who got ice skates was Amy and the person who got a bobsled was blaze. With the Final piece of gear acquired they competitors went straight towards the finish.

Then the competitors got off the snow and ice and we're on an even playing field drag instantly got first peach was 2nd Blaze was 3rd and Amy got 4th

Announcer: well that was certainly a champion race and now we move onto Rio so get ready for the rio events.

end of Episode

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