Arriving in Sochi/ Speed Skating 500m

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We join the competitors now arriving in Sochi getting ready for speed skating 500 m at the Richmond Olympic Oval.

Announcer: welcome everyone to Sochi and welcome to the Olympic event space game 500 m³ the Two competitors taking part in this race are Drago and Daisy

Drago: this one is mine

Daisy: I'm gonna win this

Announcer: ready?.......Go!

Drago and daisy got into the racing pose and then sped off from the start line and then Daisy had better hand from Drago and was en route to win but then Drago used to special ability and spread into the win area way ahead of daisy

Announcer: well Drago has won his 5th gold medal next step folks is the winter sports champion race on mini Russia island.

End of  episode

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