Dream figure skating

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We join the competitors at the dream figure skating center where the event will take place.

Announcer: welcome back vans to the dream figure skating event this event is a team event and our team will be taking on the Mario world for this event without brother do with the event begin!

The first three teams went through the event and soon it was Drago's team was up

Announcer: now it's time for Drago's team his team consists of Drago, Daisy, peach, and Amy

Drago: all right team let's do this* cracks knuckles*

As the event started a super star came down and as Drago went to grab it it moved away as Drago and his team gave a chase the secne  instantly changed two Bowser's castle the team had to jump over fire balls and thomps and the super star was waiting at the other end of the two fireballs then the super star vanished and the secne changed again to peaches castle the drago and his team went in pairs of two for the final phase of the performance Drago and Amy performed there  special moves to the crowd then Peach and Daisy did the same thing then drago and Amy  the spiral and peach and daisy copyed the move then they did the special Mario jump then they all came together and the final spiral with the crowd cheering as they finished.

Announcer: what is breathtaking performance drago's team wins first place with his event and now folks who head onto the second part of our world tour, everyone who has paid for a ticket a special plane has been arranged for you to fly to London for our second part of our world tour.

Back in Vancouver hotel room booked for every athlete the computers are packing up their things to get ready for London.

In the girls hotel room

Peach: I can't believe Drago picked us to be on his team for the final event

Amy: I was glad I was there before with him

Daisy: I can't believe it it was crazy

Blaze: I had to compete against him I don't have the same Feelings for him like you girls do

Amy: it's all right Blaze we're sorry we made you feel uncomfortable

Blaze: no it's fine it's just I feel a little left out

Peach:  you know I could put a good word for you and get drago pick you for a team event

Blaze: you could?

Peach: since I've been on the team before and you want to have a go at right?

Blaze: yeah you're right.... OK I'll trust you

Peach: all right during the plane ride I'll talk to him.

Meanwhile in the boys hotel room

Drago: can't believe it got through your metals am I'm on the road to the fourth

Mario: OK dude you don't have to brag

Drago: oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable

Mario: no it's fine I was kinda like this when I get my first three medals

Drago: oh OK let's head off to London!

Rest of the boys: yeah Boi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

End of episode

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