Figure skating

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After the opening ceremony, the athletes went to the pacific Coliseum to watch the figure skating event this event only had the girls competing in it. So the guys will watch it from a special VIP seat.

We join the guys in their seats waiting for the event to start.

Drago: it's too bad we can't compete in this event well as the regular one the green one that's a different story.

Mario: your right Drago anyways who are you rooting for to win?

Drago: I am rooting for Blaze

Silver: really? I thought you were going to vote for peach

Drago: I think Blaze is underrated she needs more love. Who is everyone else rooting for?

Marioand Luigi:Peach/ Daisy

Sonic: Amy

Victor: rosalina

Drago: OK well we're all split and who we want to win when will how to see how the event plays out.

Announcer: welcome Olympic fans to the first event figure skating at the pacific Coliseum now for this event peach, Daisy, rosalina, Amy and Blaze Will be competing in the song we chose is Swan Lake each competitor will do the entire routine and we will give out the gold bronze and silver medal based on how many points they had without further do that the event begin!

The crowd cheered as peach begin the routine

As peach began this day she did some cool spins and tricks and then it came to the big jump peach did spectacular spin and Landed on ice then she went into a spiral with one of her legs in the air then peach did a spiral with one of her legs in the air and bouncing with her other leg then she went over to the crowd and did a backbend in front of them and then she went to another spiral and this time she had she bent down and had her leg pulled in then she did and then the back middle front of the crowd and finished in the middle of the ring with a spectacular spiral.

As the crowd cheered for peach the boys were discussing how about event went.

Drago: not gonna lie but Peach was pretty awesome out there.

Mario: but you're still rooting for blaze aren't you?

Drago: yes I am but I'm admitting peach has pretty good figure skating skills.

The rest of the event went on and at the end of the night the announcer was gonna hand out the gold silver and bronze medals.

Announcer: well ladies and gentlemen that was a pretty spectacular match and now it's time to hand out metals the gold medal goes to blaze with 77.800 points the silver medal goes to Daisy with 54.400 points and finally the bronze medal goes to Amy with 53.300 points that concludes the figure skating event the next event will be the Snowboard Cross event at Cypress Mountain.

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