Chapter 16: WTF

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No matter how she looked at the development, there has to be something wrong with current development. It was already unsettling how the protagonist bastard was clinging to some guy , but then she saw the perfect chance to get those two nuisances under control and… somehow station flagpoles weren't there and she couldn't control them this way? That was not in the book, and the note she had clearly stated that it's a third regression so there was NO way he could have figured it out.

But if that Dokja guy… she paused on the name, thinking about it again. Is it an alias? The goddamn wet rat was using "reader" as an alias??

Sooyung did not scream at the realization but the guy must've been fucking with her on purpose.

But it's fine. She already knows what he is planning with those fake, messy things pretending to be her novel circulating around. Of course 'Reader' is trying to gather kings in one space so he can unleash the protagonist on them for swift massacre.

Too bad~. Han Sooyung already planted hervavvatars and with help of five remaining of her apostoles it won't be that hard to make a trap around that trap.

Yoo Joonghyuk is the worst obstacle in creating the true happy ending they all need so of course he can't be allowed to run wild. But the so-called 'Reader' is clearly both an outsider of the story and not among people who got off… something about it just seems wrong.

But she can interrogate him properly once they get him away from his attack dog.

After all he is getting called 'Merciful King' for how much he's avoiding fighting. There's no way he is very strong on his own with how much he is relying on the protagonist.

How nice of that frustrating duo to be late, allow the kings to gather and start fighting. The equipment her group saved from not meeting resistance at the station clearly will come of use as soon they are in. Patient now and everything can fall in the line perfectly.

There is that unnecessary edgy black outfit. And next to him there must be the 'Reader' and it's like bloody joke, the only thing she can even describe about the guy is that he's built like fucking stick figure. It has to be some kind of anonymity skill, right?

And they stopped in front of the palace, with Yoo fucking Joonghyuk leaning to the 'Reader' dude and just giving that sickening love-stricken look. All right, change of plans. Han Sooyung has to kill 'Reader' because those two are just too disgusting in public spaces, rubbing it in the faces of all the single women around.

Like, Joonghyuk, what the hell? Are you blind?

Shit, wait, that's good actually, if she  manages to control 'Reader' the protagonist would follow nicely since he is clearly already tamed by what bullshit that guy pulled.

Still, it would be nice to stab that guy at least once. She takes a deeper breath and switches the avatar whose eyes she's using, checking where all gems are located for the hunt for the sword. Even if it's playing a bait right now, she kind of recalls how it is supposed to be a star relic. And there's barely any of those that early in the scenarios.

She has avatars waiting just for a right moment, as soon as the protagonist's pastard bursts in to catch flags and gems in distraction to get all of it to her.

Final decision for all apostoles: capture Kim Dokja and threaten to kill him if Yoo Joonghyuk gets dangerous.


This greasy little rat.

'Reader' is grinning at the sword pressed to his throat.

“Go ahead~ kill me and face the consequences~” he. Fucking. Sings. And then tilts his head, not impressed in the least by blood dripping from cut from this movement.

“Joonghyuk-ah~ you know you can just stab trough me, right?” he is just fucking goading the killing machine that only stopped when seeing him in danger…

And Yoo Joonghyuk just moves to stab at him like a bloody psychopath. Sooyung can't blame Bak Haeun for letting go of the psycho no.1 to avoid attack from psycho no.2.

'Reader' is hurt from this clash, but also frustratingly free and Yoo Joonghyuk doesn't hesitate anymore, advancing to kill…

They are saved by the scenario announcement, at the last moment.

Well, her apostoles are, since she is standing in the king selection arena together with those two madmen and can only watch as they look at each other and move to stand together, back to back, in obvious declaration that they are going to stand together against whoever dares to fight them. And the guy who dares instantly gets bodied by the damn protagonist himself.

Sooyung takes a second to look around. The Neutral King and the King of Beauty instantly lift their hands in surrender. And Sooyung takes a deep breath, seeing how she has absolutely no way of winning. Not against whatever is going in those insane guys' heads. It's better to give up than to get wrecked for trying to fight.

So. There are two of them left standing in the… and of course this cheap excuse of hero is giving up and letting the squidface have it.

That's probably the most embarrassing way anyone could become a king, to just get fucking carried all the way.

And 'Reader' instead of taking the throne spews some lines about how the era of kings is over and calls to constellations to rebel against hierarchy. So the whole little speech is a pure populist move.

Or so she thought.

And then the little shit raises the… how the fuck did he even get his hands on that sword in that bloody mess? Anyways, the Four Tiger Evil Cutting Sword in his hand lifted to the sky, stars lighting up and, holy shit, he is really doing that.

Rather than grab a chance to rule over everyone this utter batshit crazy dude just…

Seriously they should have stabbed him when there was a chance. It doesn't matter how he is ordering around the discount protagonist.

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