Chapter 7 : Girls night

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Uriel suffers through the Ad by quickly going to grab some snacks and also grabs Gabriel on her way because she just needs someone to share experience with.

Even if it's her silly cute gays fault there even was Ad break in the first place.

And she is back before the screen, in company of other archangel who could at least take a look before dismissing her interest, please.

Mr. tall dark and handsome is... pointing sword at his companion. Whatever happened during the Ad, it must've been spicy.

["■■ one you love the most."]

Oooh, is this a confession? Or is it an accusation of cheating? Uriel quickly sends both of them 200 coins and pays for an indirect message.

「Demonic Judge of Fire is praying for amicable resolution」

["Oh. I'm so sorry you had to do that. We can-"] Aww, he's so cute, not scared at all over the sword, rather looking like he is trying to comfort. That's just too sweet of him.

Uriel doesn't even try to resist the urge to coo at the scene, even if Gabriel sends her bewildered look.

"That guy literally pulled a weapon on the other one, why are you like this?"

But Uriel is too busy with new exciting developments to care as two women jump at the situation.

["Stop threatening him!''] They are so protective, which makes sense. Of course the silly bean who refused sponsors needs to be protected! Uriel sends 500 coins to the woman without a sponsor, but not to the other one because she is not giving 10% to the Olympus assholes. Sorry girl, you are great but there are higher principles.

Incarnation Yoo Jonghyuk is sheathing his sword because of course he isn't bad under that rough exterior... looking at his alignment based on Eden principle he is on the side of good. Of course.

["Six hours. If I'm not back, come and get me."] and is it just her or is there something of a challenge in that "come and get me" ? Uriel is grinning at the thought, even if it's a pity they are splitting again so soon.

["Lee Jihye, Kim Namwoon. Do anything he tells you to."]

Uriel hesitates for a moment as to which of incarnations to follow from this point.

["Yes, master. He'll be in good hands!"]

"Well, they don't look that cute? I don't get why you-"

"No, wait Gabriel, I got the recording from just before the Ad break, you should see this! They are juuust..." Uriel quickly clicks from the livestream to show two men sitting right next to each other. Yoo Jonghyuk was slightly adjusting the mana brazier with meat roasting over it and Kim Dokja was leaning on his side, looking a bit disheveled.

Child tagging with them was sitting between two women and glaring intensely at Yoo Jonghyuk. He is a little cute to be so protective of Kim Dokja.

["Are you sure it'll work?"] the taller man asked in a whisper. Uriel knows he didn't want others to realize he wasn't fully certain about what his partner told them to do. It's sweet he made sure everyone knew he trusts Kim Dokja unconditionally.

"They are talking about a Dark Keeper," Uriel supplies helpfully.

["It can't chase us until it recovers some, and by that time some other target will be closer to take advantage of its weakness. And if not, we can always hit a building so it collapses on it. Indirect kill."] the smaller man explains casually, not bothering to keep this explanation quiet.

"Alright, the blurred face is smart. Still nothing special." Gabriel comments, not overly excited watching the replay of group eating and praising the amazing skills in cooking that Yoo Jonghyuk is supposed to have.

"Not special? They were practically cuddling right here!" Uriel gestures at the screen with both her hands, before fast forwarding.

And then the group moves on to go down the tunnel and Uriel manipulates the screen to shove shots of them holding hands and then Yoo Jonghyuk slowly sneaking his hand around the waist of the smaller man while pretending he is not trying to get closer. Tsundere precious little meow-meow.

"Fine, fine, they're gay. Happy? Actually, show me how is the smart one doing now." Gabriel urges Uriel.

"Why don't you look yourself~" Uriel teases, just a little more. Since her boys seem to have some deal with dokkaebi of their channel, maybe they'll be happy to see it get more subscribers.

"Maybe. If he shows something interesting," Gabriel concedes so Uriel quickly turns the stream back on, quickly clicking to follow her favorite incarnation. And they were planning! Just in time!

["... in all green zones. Starting from the platform; if you can urging people to gather near the landlord zone. And then we need to break that one as well and force the scenario to end."]

Uriel sponsors him 300 coins, mostly because Secretive Plotter did and she's not getting bested by that suspicious guy. And then for good measure she sends an indirect message.

「Demonic Judge of Fire hopes to see interesting results」

Kim Dokja pauses looking at what must be her message before saying, ["Uriel, people will die because of it. Probably less than if we didn't act, but they will."]

"He knows your name? All right, I'll get into the channel, at least for today." Gabriel concedes and with a few quick button presses she is in and also already typing a message.

「"Lily Blooming in Aquarius is looking forward to evaluate your skills"」

["Oh, thank you, Gabriel. I thought you already have incarnation?"]

"Woah, this ■■. How does he-" she scoffs and sends another indirect message.

「Lily Blooming in Aquarius advises incarnation Kim Dokja to mind his own business」

「50 coins have been sponsored」

"Get used to it~" Uriel laughs a little, but she doesn't scold her friend for being so stingy with coins. She will warm up to them soon enough, that's for sure.

And then the group scatters and starts breaking safe zones. Uriel barely holds herself back from scolding them for the danger it will put people in. Only because she just knows that's exactly why Dokja-ie directed that warning at her.

It's still an asshole move. And when she sees the vote to put the bounty on Dokja she hesitates the moment, looks at his cheeky smile and joins in with a vote for yes.

"Really?" Ah, Gabriel is still here and was looking curiously over her arm to see what Uriel will do. "Then it's a 'yes' from me too. Letting him prove himself."


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