Chapter 9: Affection??

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Kim Dokja sits on the ground with Yoo Jonghyuk's head on his lap. It feels crazy to do, but he can't just think of anything else he could do. Not after listening to his thoughts during the fight and being met with a desperate litany of his name, begging him to not get hurt.

What kind of heartless bastard would leave the protagonist to recover on his own after something like that?

「Constellation Demonic Judge of Fire is screaming about how cute her boys are」

「Constellation Secretive Plotter thinks this situation is ridiculous」

「Constellation Abyssal Black Flame Dragon is suggesting his incarnation pushes you off the building to end the soap opera」

「Constellation Commander of the Red Cosmos is threatening to beat up constellation Abyssal Black Flame Dragon if they don't stop」

「1600 coins have been sponsored」

Right, there are annoying bastards watching. Looks like there is another angel in the channel today, and Dokja has a vague feeling it's all Uriel's fault.

Yoo Jonghyuk looks peaceful now, more like he is just sleeping and Kim Dokja succumbs to the temptation, gently brushing off some hair from his forehead.

「Constellation Prisoner of Golden Headband advises you to start moving soon」

「Constellation Prisoner of Golden Headband sponsored you 800 coins」

How nice, to earn so many coins just for sitting a bit and doing nothing.

“I need to kick them!” Looks like Kim Namwoon decided to take his sponsor's words seriously. This kid, really.

“If you try you'll be one getting thrown off!” Lee Jihye seems to be rather firmly on their side.

「Constellation Lily Blooming in Aquarius is cheering incarnation Lee Jihye!」

It would be best if they can get back to the station before it gets pulled into the King's Road scenario, but they can't really get going with three people unconscious… or maybe they can?

“Lee Jihye, could you carry Gilyoung for me, please? Be gentle with him. Namwoon, you take Jung Heewon.”

It'll only work if both of them cooperate, but…

“Huh? And why would I do that?” And here comes the issue. Of course this dumbass would get in the way. And his attitude is not going to get any better, not with that sponsor.

“I'm going to carry this guy because he might act up if he wakes up and I'm not right next to him. Otherwise I'd tell you to just pick him up instead.” Kim Dokja doesn't believe much in the chance that logic would actually speak to this guy. But Lee Jihye is standing right next to them and listening, and probably if she interferes it might work.

“If you want I can carry the lady and you can get the kid. He's light enough you won't drop him, right?” She is going right for the pride in a vicious attack. With Uriel cheering on.

“What? It's not like she's too heavy or anything, this guy is just annoying.” Promoted from fish bait to this guy, what an honor.

“Oh? Because master dating a guy is making you feel insecure? The image of masculinity is crumbling?” Lee Jihye is ruthless, poking at Kim Namwoon in a way that seems to be sending him for a loop. And then he just rushes to pick up Jung Heewon, clearly unable to even defend himself. Probably rain of messages from angels and Sun Wukong lecturing him on why it's wrong to discriminate help to make it too awkward to try to argue. Secretive Plotter seems to be having fun as well.

Too many messages to try and read them all properly.

They return to the station and not a moment too early, as the message about the new scenario greets them in the entrance. Or maybe Bihyung purposefully timed sending the scenario for the greater effect. Dokkaebi and their showmanship…

Well, Bihyung better be grateful for the whole flock of subscribing angels. If they are swarming like this it's only a question of time before demon kings will get involved as well even if just to try one-up Eden. Basically a package deal of rather involved subscribers.

The first thing Jonghyuk notices as he slowly wakes up is the warmth of a person pressed close right next to him. There shouldn’t be anyone. He knows Kim Dokja would have left him with Lee Jihye on that rooftop, with a message telling him to get Mia to safety. And yet there is a person and warmth that should not be there.

He opens his eyes slowly to assess the situation. The head resting on his arm leaves no doubt, it is Kim Dokja. Sleeping, huddled close under one coat.

And then dokkaebi must have noticed he opened his eyes because the rain of unread messages flooded his vision, rapidly covering up the world too fast for him to dismiss it all in time. He has no idea what happened, but Kim Dokja must have done something since he woke up more than three thousand richer than he passed out. Without counting a reward for "beating" the dungeon boss.

Yoo Jonghyuk should just wake up this squid and tell him quickly what they are doing next to make sure both of them have enough stations secured. And get up to go to Mia as soon as possible. But he can’t. Not when this fool is sleeping peacefully using his arm as a pillow, so soon after he was forced to go through all the times he watched him die, unable to do anything to protect him. Again and again, always with a smile. Always leaving behind creeping doubt if this time he might be gone for good.

Jonghyuk sighs, deciding that he can’t really leave this dumbass alone this time. Not even for the sake of his sister. He will need flags to help his idiot through the throne scenario, but there was someone who went to get Mia last time and did well.

Jung Heewon is sitting by other wall, watching them with a smile so it’s not hard to call her over using his free hand. Quietly to not wake this idiot, because otherwise he would just throw himself into work regardless of how long he slept in the end.

“I need to make sure my little sister is safe. Yoo Mia, she’s twelve. She is at Gireum station, and should be safe for the next few days. I want to go for her but if I leave him he will get himself into trouble… surface is fine.” He is speaking quietly, but makes sure to pass all she needs to know. Kim Dokja complained about not talking enough times.

Indirect messages from four bloody angels pop up almost at the same time and Yoo Jonghyuk really wants to file complaints with Metatron for this.

Not that he hates a rumor that he’s dating, but there are just too many messages.

Jung Heewon nods seriously and leaves them with long steps, stopping just to say something to Yoo Sangah on her way. That woman still seems to hate him, and she has very unfortunate sponsors. But at least she cares if the idiot is safe, and she didn’t really mess up the previous turn. She gets a pass.

Kim Dokja stirs, first nuzzling closer and then he opens his eyes and freezes.

“Yoo Jonghyuk? Uh, I’m so sorry I fell asleep. I got the station and…”

“Fool.” He grumbles, pulling him closer. “You did good. We need to get ready for those guys calling themselves prophets.”

“Oh, right. You probably already saw how they are afraid of you? We can use it, pretend to play along and take advantage of the gaps in their knowledge.”

Jonghyuk tilts his head just a bit to indicate that he can’t say more with stream listening in. After all, trick with selling fake revelation won’t work if the constellations know it is a fake.

“Your plan,” he just says. He is pretty sure Kim Dokja can and will either repeat those amazing tricks and catch everyone like last time, or maybe even find a way to surprise him again. But this time he will stay close to really see the storm brewing.

“And you will listen?” Oh, how bewildered he sounds. Cute.

“Only if the plan doesn’t include your death.”

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