Chapter 18: Mia again

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The mall is empty, windows broken and people already stole interesting stuff so Mia just walks to the door, carefully peeking out to make sure that there aren't any nasty bugs around.

Her big brother told everyone that they'll appear somewhere important to their lives. Well, that ugly guy technically was one to tell everyone, but it definitely came from Joonghyuk so it's no difference. Anyway, she should go home because big brother definitely also will be somewhere around. He didn't like pizza places so maybe he's just waiting in his stupid game room or something.

Mia is passing by some confused lame guy and she thinks it'll just be fine, but then he tries to grab her. So she gets a sword from her inventory to try to stab the nuisance, but he screams and runs before she actually has a chance.

People are sooo stupid.

Anyway, the game with stations is done and there is no longer a reason to be carrying those concrete blocks around either so Mia just drops them on the side of the road like that.

There are two ladies who were watching from other side of the road who quickly walk the other way as she does it.

And then she can march home with new free space in the inventory, and maybe they can pick up something useful to pack instead.

She is probably about halfway there when she sees a monster. And as she is stepping back to find a hidey-hole to let it go away she can hear a crash and then here is the familiar black coat of her brother, flopping like in some commercial as he stands on top of the monster. He is stabbing down and whole large bulky thing is just coming crashing down, probably dead before big brother even pulls sword out again.

Mia waves and calls out and Joonghyuk smiles back at her and he jumps off the corpse. Even if he looks like he wanted to just try to do the dignified walk.

Too late for him to try being cool anyway.

“You're fine, Mia? Saw the event announcement?”

Mia nods at the questions. “Let's get some food now so we don't need to worry later,” she commands and her big brother nods along, grabbing her hand as he starts leading her across the city.

Now there won't be any monsters they need to worry about when they are together.

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