"Wait, you were really serious about doing that April it's the middle of February?"

"Yes, I was. You have a pool and a sauna right I'm game if you're."

"I'm in."

Some hours later, "Let's walk around the park first and burn some calories."

"Ashton where did the portable heater come from?"

"In was in the car along with our supplies. Peter probably packed it. Do you want any more butternut squash soup?"

"I'm good. Hey Ashton I'm having a really good time."

He places his head next to hers. "I can tell."

"We should go someplace hot for our honeymoon," suggest April.

"That's a given. How about the Jamaica?"

"I have never been there before."

"Great, I'll book it."

"Do you think our shadows want a hot drink?" She points to their new bodyguards.

"We will stop off at Starbucks on the way home they can get a hot drink then", answers Ashton.

"I can't believe my housekeeper betrayed me like that," says a furlong looking April.

"The sad thing is she could've stolen from you as well."

"I called her and fired her earlier and ask the police to press charges against her as well. I was so busy working I didn't see the dangers around me."

"You're not dumb April but you need to allow yourself a week off from work every now and then. Mindy and her husband took people to your house. I'm going to personally make sure when I take the reins of your business. I destroy him, why wait. My friend Is her husband's boss he will be fired. I will also make sure he won't be able to get a job in finance again."

"I was her mark Ashton and she played me like a fiddle, "I want to move. That apartment doesn't hold any good memories for me. "

"Then move, I didn't sign the prenuptial agreement. So I'll pay for our new apartment."

She sniggers, "We didn't have time to write one."

"It's your third day in London April, is it living up to your expectations so far?"

"Yes, it is."

It starts to thunder and lightning, so they hurriedly start packing up their picnic items. "Luckily we made it to the car before the rain started." Ashton turns up the heating and smiles at his new bride. He was surprised just how much he smiled in the last three days, and it was because of her. April Adams(nee Jones), a woman who almost a week ago was a complete stranger to him.

They arrive home to see Elizabeth, Micah and Cassie drinking hot chocolate in the kitchen. April was surprised to see them cooking especially since she assumed they would let the staff do everything.

"It's Sunday we are making you a Sunday day roast with all the trimmings. April go have a hot bath or whatever. It's absolutely freezing outside."

"Thank you and I will have a bath, Cassie."

Everyone was sat around the dining table helping themselves to roast beef, roast potato and vegetables. "This is lovely," says April as she takes another bite of potatoes.

"How lucky was it that someone cancel, and the date was available for Westminster Abbey that you wanted."

"Lizzie we were very lucky and hopefully the caterers can do us a fantastic spread," says April as she wonders just how much power Stiles and Derek really did have.

"I can't believe you're only having one hundred and fifty people at your wedding. I would think as a future duke you would've a grand wedding."

"I didn't want a big wedding Elizabeth and your brother explained to me since your brother will be taking over the company from your dad. His wedding needs to be the society wedding of the year."

Micah looks touched, "You would do that for me Ashton even though you're the eldest?"

"Of course. I would that's what family does," answers Ashton.

"It will be nice to meet some of your friends April."

"My sister teaches high school I think you both would get on Elizabeth well."

If you can tell me why sally curtsied to April you will get a shout out in a future chapter. The last chapter and this chapter should give you an idea of the humor in my book finding myself.  Peter is one of the characters from there along with Derek and Stiles. If you read my organisation series. You should work out why the curtsy happened.

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