"You were fucked into oblivion not even 30 minutes ago and you are already rubbing against me, looking for more."- I rasped into the kiss, letting my hand dive between her slender legs that she parted enough for my hand to have all the access it might need and desire.

"Fuck, Cami."- I muttered through a groan, skimming my fingertips over her opening, and she hugged me tightly, moaning as she hid her beautiful face in my chest. 

She is wet, so soaked she can take all of me in a single thrust without even a minute of foreplay. 

"You are dripping wet, bambina."- I whispered hoarsely, teasing her sensitive pussy with my thumb, and my angel moaned in pleasure, her long nails digging into my biceps. 

"You are home today, amore."- murmured Cami, kissing my collarbone sensuously as I caressed her tight, sleek pussy, watching how she soaked my fingers and squirmed against me. 

"As tempting as it is to fuck you senseless right now and make you forget your own name, you can barely keep your pretty eyes open, amore mio. You need to rest for a bit."- I said mildly in care, kissing her forehead before removing my hand, in spite of how damn much I wanted to do the complete fucking opposite. 

"You don't love me."- murmured my wife, switching moods in a fucking second because that flirty smile is gone, replaced with tears and the saddest pout. 

"Cami, mia principessa, of course, I love you. I don't love anyone as I love you. You are my sweetheart, owner of my heart, mind, body and soul. I love you so, so, so much."- I said calmly and tenderly, cupping her cheeks to kiss them, but she turned away and got out of bed.

She can be upset, but we are not doing this shit: arguing and dealing with that goddamn silence treatment. 

I got up and followed her, catching her in my arms before she could lock herself in our bathroom. 

"I love you, Camila Emilia Russo. There is nothing stronger than my love for you, amore mio. You are my soft spot, my diamond and my treasure. I cannot fucking live without you by my side. I cannot breathe if I don't have you with me for more than one minute, I am suffocating without you."- I said lovingly, patient and gentle as she kept pushing me away and squirming, those angelic, pale green eyes red and glossy. 

"If you loved me, you would fuck me. You never turn down sex, especially if I beg for it, and now you denied me. You promised me that your dick is mine, so why cannot I have it when I want it?"- she spoke in pure sadness, crying, and fuck, I couldn't contain my grin because this is fucking adorable. 

Sure, she did give me a cute, tiny tantrum once when she was pregnant with Max - I too said no, but I went down on her instead. 

This time it is different - I rearranged her guts first thing in the morning for 2 hours, I fucked the words out of her pretty mind so hard she couldn't tell me her own name or our last name for 2 minutes when we finished. 

There is no way I am giving her more, she had enough for now. 

"Cami, baby, this dick is your property. It reacts only to you, it fucking adores solely you. I am yours, wholly and utterly. Me telling you that I won't fuck you right now doesn't change that, nothing will ever change this. This simply means that I worry about you and I'd rather have you rest and relax before we fuck again, mia cara piccola. I will fuck you however you want, anywhere you want for however long you want once I know you rested well."- I stated bluntly and honestly, kissing her temple tenderly to soothe her, but she is not having it.  


His words make sense to my mind. His words please my mind, heart and soul and make me feel so safe and cared for. 

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