Dont Wanna Be An American Idiot

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When I got up I put on some casual clothes and rushed to my bathroom. I put in some cool earrings and brushed my teeth. Today was an exciting day, the day I might be in a band. I quickly put my hair into a ponytail, grabbed my bag, and left without saying goodbye to my sister.

The audition was somewhere down a alleyway and down a flight of stairs to a secret small stadium that nobody really used. When I got there the stairs were dusty and out of shape. When I got down the stairs I opened the closed doors and walked in. To my surprise, the rest of the people were already there. I made my way over to the waiting area. There was a long line but I didn't really care. I felt a shadow hover over me as I checked my phone.

It was a tall dude with big wicks, a TON of piercings and a metal band vest. He looked cool, but it was a bit scary because he was really tall. "What are you trying out for?" He asked with a VERY heavy British accent. "Oh um, lead singer." He looked surprised at my words, but then nodded as if to say, "nice". He turned back around. The rest of the wait was pretty quick, they kept turning down like everyone. When the tall man went on stage he said, "Hobie Brown, guitar." He then sat pulled out his guitar and played. He was VERY good at it.

I watched in awe as he played. When he was done the judges erupted with clapping, and so did I. It was like I knew him for years, but I met him like 5 minutes ago. When he climbed off stage I gave him a fist bump as he walked to watch me audition. I walked on stage and said, "Y/N L/N, singing." I adjusted the microphone and pointed to the backstage person to que the background music.

My song of choice was (insert your song). As I sang I closed my eyes and let the world fall away and just focused on singing how I wanted to. Although I felt nothing else, I felt Hobie's eyes on me, in a good way. It felt like I was being supported from afar. When I finished I opened my eyes and the judges erupted with clapping just as they did with Hobie. I even heard Hobie clap for me. I walked off stage and headed towards Hobie.

"Dude, you were great!" I said to him.
"You weren't so bad yourself." He said with a smile.
"So...what's your deal?" I asked, trying to know more about the kind tall man.
"Oh, um..I live a couple blocks down, thought I would try to be in something." He replied.
"Nice." I said. I pulled out my hand for him to shake and said, "Y/N." He shook my hand and said, "Hobie."

A while later we exchanged numbers and became friends. All of sudden they called both of us to the stage again with one more person I didn't recognize.
"You three have even chosen as our lead singer, guitarist and drunmer." We all thanked them for choosing us and left. "I can walk you home." Hobie said. I nodded, what could possibly happen? He was a nice guy. While I was walking back I felt a bit bite me on my hand so I flicked it off. I ignored it the rest of the time and said bye to Hobie when I reached my house.

American Idiot | Hobie BrownWhere stories live. Discover now