Chapter Forty-Five: Laurens-Layden letters (1781-1782)

Start from the beginning

Quite a shame. I love the man dearly. Though now he is in my company and I cannot waste my time while he is still here. I hope you can forgive me :)

Until next time

PS: Wth all good will and no ill intention, I refuse to take the wine.


"Cherí, your Marquis craves your attention."

"Coming, coming," I say as I fold the letter, and put in a box with the wine bottle. Lafayette makes an annoyed noise when I take a bit too long to wrap the package, which only makes me chuckle.

ishings signal the room's continued use as a bedchamber for people from many walks of life

"What have I done to deserve this? I had come all the way to Albany to visit, Hammie is enraptured in his work and I am being ignored by the only person whose attention I desire." He sighs dramatically, and splays himself across my bed, before lifting his head. "Also what are you doing with that wine?"

"Sending it back to Laurens." He looks at me like I spat on his mother's grave. "What am I supposed to do with it? I don't drink!"

"On second thought, you are not welcome in bed."


His face splits into a disbelieving grin. "Who the hell sends back wine?"

Oooo watch your fucking language in front of the fucking kids

I finally stand and walk to the bed, where a lump of sheets sits. Somewhere in those blankets Lafayette has swaddled himself. Underneath that mountain, a green eye is watching me amusedly.


"You're hogging all of the blankets, sir."

"I will not share my blankets with a wine-returner." He spits the word out like it's a curse, but it's muffled by the sheets. "Mon loulou, gifting wine is an offer of peace, of alliance, of friendship- and you are returning it?"

"...I've already done it once?"

"Mon dieu, I cannot be seen with you." He starts to turn his back on me, but I catch him by the waist. Since his hands are trapped within the blankets, he thrashes like a wild animal. "Release me, you fiend!"

"No, you're mine now!" I cackle and roll on top of him, kindling his shrieks of laughter. After a clumsy wrestling match, Lafayette somehow managed to get his hands out and- I'm still so very weak- pin me down to the bed.

"I am victorious," he says smugly, tightening his hands around my wrists. From below, I could see all the small imperfections on his face- the small dimple on his left cheek, his slightly asymmetrical eyebrows, the faint wrinkles under his eyes- they just made him all the more endearing.

"You've defeated me," I answer playfully. "What should I do to repay my sins?"

"Perhaps a kiss." His eyes sharpen. "Or perhaps you shall not commit- what is equivalent to- a war crime."

I take a moment to think. "Hmm... No."

He sighs, releases me, and lands next to me. "How do you sustain relationships with anyone, my God."

"Ask yourself, dear."

"Ah, but that is different. Love takes away all sensibility."

"Are you telling me I'm insufferable?"

"Oui." He pecks me on the lips, but that doesn't wipe the pout from my face. Instead, he goes to press kisses to my neck, and can't help but giggle.

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