"How many?"

"24 and counting" Murphy answers her.

"You idiots" "life support on the Ark is failing". "That's why they brought us down here, they need to know the ground is survivable again, and we need their help against whoever is out there". "If you take off your wristbands, you're not just killing them, you're killing us!" She finishes.

In attempt to maintain his leadership Bellamy begins to protest "we're stronger than you think". "Don't listen to her". "She's one of the privileged, if they come down, she'll have it good"-

Adeline cuts him off "then listen to me-"

"Her dad's a doctor!" Someone yells.

"I was been locked in a cell for 3 years nearly 4" Adeline raises her arm up ignoring the boy "I still have my wrist band on, you may say Clarke can not understand but you need to remember she was locked up too". "We will die if we do not start working together, the grounders that hit Jasper have gained skills; skills that we don't have, they perfectly hit him  from trees that were a few hundred feet and we are a bunch of inexperienced teenagers with one gun and no protection". "We need shelter, we need food and we need weapons-"

"That wrist band on your arm makes you a prisoner-"

"Bellamy listen we need to build a wall I don't care if you claim to be in charge no one cares who's in charge not me, not Clarke no one, all we care about is surviving, we need to hunt; we need a wall, so I do not care that you are in charge but start making the calls that will keep us alive" he stays silent, watching her and taking in everything Adelines said.

Clarke walks off Monty goes after her as does Adeline. "What do we do know?" Monty asks.

"Now we go after Jasper".

We allow Clarke space while Adeline goes and check on Octavia. "How's your leg?"

"Just a scratch" we laugh.

"Definitely not just a scratch".

"It's fine really, I can already walk on it".

"Okay if you say so". She sits with her waiting to be grabbed by Clarke, as Octavia sharpens a blade someone's crafted probably Murphy.

The two occasionally talk but nothing really other than small talk. Bellamy walk over to try and tend to her leg. "Good speech".

"Yeah? Are you going to do anything about it?"

"It was good, and I just might" he winks at her, she just rolls her eyes and Octavia leans her head on Adelines shoulder, he watches as she does.

"Hey you coming" Clarke calls as she walks over with Wells.

"Yeah of course" she kisses the side of Octavia head as she gets up.

"Wait you guys are going already?"

"Yeah can't waste any light".

She attempts to get up, Bellamy and Adeline gently sit her back down, "your legs just going to slow us down" Clarke tells her.

"It's true, we'll be back as soon as possible" Adeline looks at Bellamy "you have your gun right?" He lifts up his shirt showing the gun in his waistband "good come on then".

"I never agreed to that" she narrows her eyes at him.

"Unless you want to give me then gun come on". He rolls his eyes but follows nonetheless, he gives a hug to Octavia then follows after Adeline.

"Murphy come with me" "Atom, my sister doesn't leave this camp, is that clear?" He nods.

"I don't need a babysitter".

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