“No, you aren’t. Are you ok, Nath?” Marc looks concerned. “Mari told me that you aren’t having a good day. You want to relax in the art room while working on the comic books?”

“Don’t you two have the history project thing?”

“We got that sorted already, mind if I join you in a minute?” Nath nodded, making Chelsea cheer.

“You guys are awesome! You really are made for each other.”

None of them understand what she meant at the start.

But Nath realized what she meant, and he blushed deep red after this.

I guess now what he meant by feeling weird. He might have a crush on Marc.

They left off to the art room, and it was only Chelsea and me there.

“So, Chelsea. How is your day?” I don’t know what else to say.

“Well, it is pretty well, thanks.” She then looked like she just got a plan.

“Oh, maybe we could set them up!”


“Nathaniel and Marc.” She whispered that to me. “Marc has had a crush on Nathaniel for a while, don’t tell anyone though.”

Oh, ma gawd! Nath and Marc have feelings for each other!!! This is so cute!

I should have expected that though. Marc being shy and avoiding eye contact? I couldn’t look at Adrien properly when I had a crush on him. And Nath feeling weird, or even jealous?

The ship is forming there. And I am shipping it!

“Ok, I won’t,” I whispered back. “But about your plan, I can’t today as I have to finish the T-Shirts for Kitty Section by finishing their initials on them, I also have to add finishing touches to the banners Mylene wants for the protest, and after school, I want to help my parents at the bakery.”

“Oh, I can help you with these things.” She cheerfully stood up from the chair. “I can even help you at the bakery if you need help.”

“I would say that I don’t need help, but I would have lied to you, which I don’t want to do. Can you be able today?”

“Yeah, sure. You know that you can ask anyone from your friend group for help if you need it. The more people, the merrier.”

“Thank you, Chelsea. I will ask for the extra help at the bakery.” I stood up confidently.
“I will ask my friends after lunch. Meanwhile, want to go to the art room?”

She nodded and we left off to the art room.

I stopped when I saw the most unexpected thing ever.

My classmates are helping Lila with her lunch.

Max has let Lila in front of him in the queue. Rose and Juleka are holding Lila’s lunch and putting it on the table. Kim helped Lila with the chair, and then everyone else sat down at the same table as hers.

Is she a damn queen for them, or what? That was unexpected to my friends help her with… everything! Everything she can handle herself.

Well, unless she lied about something else.

I was about to ask what was going on, but I froze after those few words.

“My cousin is really good at getting herself slaves.”

“What!?! She is your cousin!?!” She nodded at that.


“HUH!?!” She smirked at me.

“We are like the same people, but there are also two things that make me and Lila different. One, by looks, and two, by behavior. I tell the truth all the time and Lila lies to people she finds ‘unworthy’. Remember that everyone.” She looked at something, or someone, when she said that.

I looked at her strangely before walking with her to the art room.

I mean, she is right about that though. Lila is a good liar. If she wasn’t, then she wouldn’t have everybody as her slave.

I don’t find it bad, because she only does that to see who would throw me away like useless trash for a shinier object.

Yes, she is the sneaky fox if you didn’t know that already, even though it is that obvious.

And I hope her plan will work, whatever it is.

Wait, no, it will work. She is goddamn good at lying, so I am sure that she would succeed.

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