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(not edited) please READ EVERYTHING until the end. I promise you, it's worth it

A busted door, screws scattered, shards of glass from various objects littered across the ground, and a body that laid limp. The bleak ceiling was spinning and he could feel an unsettling substance seeping through his clothes. Trying to gather his subconscious back, he eventually got up from the floor, clutching his stomach. Everything around him was oddly quiet but he didn't ponder about the silence for long.

Jisung was trying his best to sleep through the pain seeping through his body but all was ruined when he heard his bedroom door open with a bang. Before he could react, he felt his body being dragged out into the common area, slammed against the cold hardwood floors, and not a moment later, he felt a cold liquid running down his skin. He took a couple of glass bottles to the head, several cuts to his arms and legs, kicks and punches to his stomach, and to top it all off, a knife to his abdominal area.

Slowly limping back into his room, he looked for his phone to send a message to the managers, telling them not to send Stray Kids back to the dorm. His thumb hovered against the send button, debating on whether he should call for help. Dwelling on the thought, he looked up from his phone and the words "Murderer," painted on the wall across from him.

"Who's going to help someone like you?" A voice was heard. "No one cares about you. Everyone hates you."

The boy laughed at himself. "Right, who's going to care what happens to me? They all want me dead." He responded to the voice without knowing the consequences behind it.

Abruptly he felt an immense pain shoot through his body. His knees roughly hit the ground as he squeezed his chest, trying to regulate his breath. Tears were welling up in his eyes, threatening to fall but he refused to let them slip. You don't deserve to cry. He told himself as he fought through the pain. You would be considered lucky if you dropped dead here.

In what felt like hours, the pain subsided and Jisung wasted no time to gather a couple of things, which included a baseball cap and a black sweater that he quickly put on, and left the building. He needed to leave before Stray Kids got hurt. If he's around, there's a high probability of happening and he didn't want to repeat his actions. He'd done enough damage to the group.

Hauling for a taxi, he immediately told the driver to take him to the hospital where Minho was residing. Seeing a glimpse of his hands resting against the passenger's seat. "I don't have much time, please hurry." He desperately pleaded in which the driver quickly agreed.

As the car pulled up to the entrance of the hospital, Jisung thanked the driver as he paid them. Scrambling out of the doors, he rushed inside the building, and headed to the area where Minho was staying. Knowing that he'll never cross paths with the older again, approached the older's room but didn't enter- he couldn't. His feet were glued to the floor and his arms were shackled down.

"What fairytale are you spewing out now?" He heard someone say from afar.

The nurse groaned. "I'm not making this up! The idol who was cursed, was somehow cured!"

Jisung let out a sigh of relief.

"Curses can't be cured." The doctor shook his head. "They're either uplifted from the one who cursed them or-"

That was the last thing the rapper heard before he was pulled aside. "Why are you here?"

Jisung knew who that irritated voice belonged to and didn't dare look up from the ground. "I... I wanted to see how he's doing." He whispered.

"You're kidding, right?" He couldn't help but scoff. "You have some nerve after putting him in the hospital."

"Binnie, who are you talking- Jisung?" Felix gasped. "Why did you-"

Soulmate Curse // minsungWhere stories live. Discover now