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In an alternative universe, there's a world where soulmates exist. For those who don't know, a soulmate is someone's other half. Majority of society has romanticized the concept of having a soulmate. Influencing them to marry their other half and grow old with them. However, people can still date without being soulmates. If by chance, someone found their soulmate when they're with someone else, they can nullify the bond if the other party agrees.

That being said, if a pair doesn't mutually agree on dismantling their bond, it'll end horribly for one of them. In all cases, the one being rejected will go through a tremendous amount of pain. Their chest will tighten as if they were being suffocated under water. Their veins will slowly turn black until it reaches their heart. Once it does, they'll die. The duration of how long they have varies. Some may have a year, and others can have a week.

There are many versions of the curse. That was one of them. There are ones where the rejected will lose their eyesight because their soulmate wouldn't bat an eye at them. Or lose their voice because there was no point in having a voice anymore. Many have complained that it isn't fair. Even so, nothing in life is fair. It doesn't matter that you were the one who was rejected. Those are the rules.

The arbitrary curse doesn't stop there. In some cases, people don't have to be directly rejected to experience the curse. If the one being cast aside could feel the hatred their soulmate has for them, they can undergo the curse as well. The ignition for the curse varies for each person. However, as humans evolved, the world followed suit. Scientists gathered together to create an antidote for the curse. Now, people don't have to worry about dying after being rejected. Even so, having a cure doesn't mean it can cure all.

"Baby," Jisung whined as he shoved his mouse away from him. "You cheated!"

Minho laughed at the younger's reaction while Felix shook his head. "Ji, I'm kicking you off my team. This is your tenth death- I can't afford another losing streak on my account."

Jisung dramatically gasped. "Lix! You care more about your gaming account than your best friend?!"

"Sorry to break it to you but you're the only one who thinks that we're besties." Felix stuck out his tongue.

"Yongbok-ah, you can take Chan and I'll take Hannie." Minho suggested.

"No can do," Chan intervened. "Me and Jisung need to be at the studio."

"What- now?" Jisung whined. "I don't wanna. Can we skip? Please, pretty please, with a cherry on top."

"If you want to deal with Changbin's nagging, sure." Chan smiled as he started to pack his bag.

Jisung could only groan. "I'm so comfortable right now though!"

Minho rested his chin against Jisung's shoulders, wrapping his legs around the male's torso. "Jagi, do you know when you'll be done?"

Jisung leaned against Minho's touch. "I think around ten? Why?"


"Suck my dick!" Felix maniacally laughed as he watched his character kill his opponent.

Minho bursted out laughing. "That sounds tempting but not what I was gonna ask."

Jisung slapped one of Minho's thighs. "Be serious, what is it?"

"I was gonna ask you if you want to watch a horror movie with me later?"

"Of course! Can we stop by the cute pink cafe after?"

"Anything for my kitten."

Chan wanted to gag. Just because he sees minsung being minsung every day, doesn't mean he'll ever get used to it. "Could you two stop being so flirty for one second?"

"We're not flirting though." Minho replied as he released the younger out of his grasp.

"Yea, and I'm not sleep deprived," Chan dismissed the comment. "Jisung, hurry up and get ready. The faster we get there, the faster you can go on your date with Minho."

"Yea, yea, yea, give me five minutes, Mr. Grumpy pants."

"I'm not grumpy!"

"I know, but it's better than saying, Mr. Need to get laid." Jisung said as he disappeared into his room.


"What now?" Jisung poked his head out of his door. "Donn't like the name? How about-"

"You're so dead."

Jisung yelped as he ran out of his room and hid behind Minho. "Baby, help me!"

"I already am," Minho hinted at the fact that Jisung was using him as a shield. "What more do you want me to do? Breathe fire?"

"Yes!" Jisung poked the dancer's nape. "Why isn't it working?!"

"Give me a kiss and maybe it will."

"Gross," Felix finally finished his match. "Not in front of me, please and thank you." He quickly gathered his gaming set and left the common space.

"Alright," Chan checked his apple watch. "We seriously need to get going or we're gonna get an earful from Changbin."

Jisung nodded as he grabbed his bag and headphones, following the leader to the doors.

"Wait," Minho stopped Jisung as he placed a jacket over the male's shoulders. "It's cold outside."

Jisung flashed his heart-shaped smile, thanking Minho for the outerwear before he left.

"I can't believe that you two aren't dating yet." Felix leaned his body against the door frame.

"And I'm surprised that Chan hasn't picked up the hints yet."

Felix rolled his eyes. "We don't talk about that oblivious oompa loompa."

"And, we don't talk about this either."

"Why not?" The sunshine whined. "It's not like I'm saying something out of the ordinary! All of us are thinking about it- even the staff!"

"Yongbok-ah, I like how everything is with Jisung right now."

"What if he's your soulmate?"

"I doubt it," Minho sighed. "The soulmate system makes it hard for you to know who's your soulmate. I don't even know what I'm supposed to look out for or feel."

"Well, they decided to reboot it because of how many deaths were occurring with the rejections." Felix sadly said. "There's only a few randomly selected pairs who receive a sign."

"I hope they never pick me."

"Do you not believe in soulmates?"

"I do but what if my soulmate doesn't? I could die."

"We have antidotes. You won't die."

Minho only hummed back a response, allowing the conversation to settle down to a comfortable silence. 

soo... how is it so far??

Soulmate Curse // minsungWhere stories live. Discover now