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Jisung was hesitant at first. He stared at the male, still trying to digest the situation. This... this isn't what I had planned. He started gnawing on his lips out of stress and anxiety. When it finally hit him, he immediately ran out of the room, completely ignoring Chan's calls. He didn't dwell on how his actions will paint his image later on. Right now, he was hyper focused on fixing the situation he initiated. Please... he could feel a lump in his throat, please hang in there Minho.

Leaving Minho alone in the room, he instantly collapsed with a thud. All of the tears he was holding back from the pain were flowing down like a waterfall. His voice was caught in his throat and his vision was tearing away from him. He could feel the insides of his body slowly breaking down.

"You outdid yourself." The curse gave a round of applause. "Rejecting your own soulmate!"

Upon hearing a crash in the conference room, Chan immediately ran in. To his horror, he witnessed Minho profusely coughing up blood- black blood. In an instant, the leader was at the dancer's side, trying to comfort him as he pulled out his phone to dial the emergency line. "Come on lino, hang in there."

But as the last few words left the Australian's lips, Minho had already blacked out.

"MINHO!" Chan tried to stay calm and rational but seeing one of his members limp in his arms, is slowly causing him to have a panic attack.

"Hyung what's-" Seungmin choked on his words when he saw the sight in front of him. Chan was trembling while holding Minho. "GUYS!" He urgently screamed for the other members as he quickly dashed to the leader, trying to calm him down as much as possible.

"-ello?" The dandy male could hear a faint voice. Looking around, he noticed Chan's cellphone on the ground. Rubbing small circles around Chan's back, he used his other hand to pick up the call.

"We need an ambulance here as soon as possible!" The singer rapidly began. "One of my friends isn't waking up and he was coughing up black blood- a lot of it." He noticed the black trail from Minho's lips and the puddle beside him. "And the other one is having a really bad panic attack. He's experiencing some trauma right now and it'll be nice if you guys step on the pedal!" Seungmin was trying his best to stay as calm as possible. However, his hand was shaking like crazy.

While Seungmin was on the call, the members were slowly making their way into the room. Changbin ran to Chan's side, taking over the role of trying to calm the male (as well as himself). When Jeongin arrived at the door, he quickly turned on his heels to grab a staff matter to prepare themselves from possible reporters later. Hyunjin went up to Seungmin's side, holding his hand and squeezing them to comfort him. Felix was in tears and wasn't sure what to do. But he couldn't stand the sight in front of him and stood at the front of the door instead.

Within seven minutes, the paramedics arrived. "Everyone please make space!" Everyone reluctantly moved aside from Chan. He was scared that if he let go of Minho, the male would actually leave him. "Sir, please let go. We need to take him to the ER as soon as possible."

Knowing that he couldn't bear the sight, Felix still entered the room and stood next to Chan, giving him a small squeeze on his shoulders. With that small action, the leader finally released Minho and allowed the paramedics to take him away.

Waiting for an update on Minho felt like an eternity for the members. When the news outlet got a whiff of the situation, they immediately crowded the hospital entrance and bombarded Stray Kids with numerous questions. One in particular caught their ears.

Soulmate Curse // minsungWhere stories live. Discover now