Part 5: The Sound Of Metal

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(Y/n): "My apologies. It's just something I was accustomed to over the years. It seems like I can't break that habit."

He stood up and readjusted himself. "Come to see me off?" He questioned in a friendly manner. Boudica only shook her head in a 'No'.

Boudica: "I was hoping you would stay."

(Y/n): "I sadly can't... Iceni deserves an answer from Rome."

Boudica: "Perhaps they are just a little late in sending their messenger?"

(Y/n): "Maybe, but it would put Iceni at ease if we could at least get some sort of confirmation or agreement to Prasutagus' letter."

Boudica: "But why you? The journey to Rome is a dangerous one. Why not send another?"

(Y/n): "I'm the one going because said journey is dangerous. It would be difficult for the average soldier."

Boudica: "I suppose you're right. I'm just worried that something might happen."

(Y/n): "Worry not. I'll be back before you can say curds & pump-"

Boudica: "Pumpernickel..."

Boudica finished your sentence with a smile on her face. You could only gaze at her face. You cherished everything about this woman. Her smile her voice her appearance her personality...

(Y/n): "Ahem.. I uh guess I should get going."

Flashback Over

-(Y/n) P.O.V-

The archer's gaze held onto mine. We circled around each other, waiting for the other to make the first move. My sword dug into the ground as I dragged it with me.

I turn my gaze to the group I've been following. "It's time we part ways," I solemnly say.

Ritsuka: "Are you sure?"

(Y/n): "Yes, go forward and take care of the anomaly. I shall take care of this man."

Mash: "Is this goodbye?"

(Y/n): "Goodbye's no. Think of this as a 'see you later'..."

And with that, Mash nodded her head, and the group you've accompanied were off to stop this event. Too bad the Archer had other plans.

Archer: "You're not going anywhere!"

The Archer releases an arrow from his bow, and as it flew, aiming straight for Ritsuka, but instead of piercing the flesh of a woman, it clanked and fell against the rusted metal plate of the knight.

(Y/n): "This is a battle between you and me!"

I lunge forward, my sword whistling through the air. Archer swiftly evades, narrowly avoiding the blade.

Our dance of battle begins, each move calculated and precise. Archer fluidly dodges my attacks, rolling and gracefully sliding under my swings. And with his expert archery skills, he sends a volley of arrows towards me.

Archer: "Can that rusted metal handle this?!"

I parry Archer's arrows with my sword, my strength still evident despite the decayed armor. Gritting my teeth, I begin to speak.

(Y/n): "My armor may be rusted, yet your mind and heart are far worse! You've lost yourself."

Archer: "Don't give me that crap."

The Archer's eyes gleam with determination as he retreats, creating distance between us. He pulls an arrow, its tip glowing with an ethereal light.

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