Chapter Thirty-Three

Start from the beginning

I knew I would have to go into detail later, but not now, not yet. Not when I am getting to know these people.

I smiled, not regretting what I did during that time. "I haven't heard that name in a long time nor that language. Your right, I may be a protector now, but darling I used to be people's worst nightmare." I told him.

Before we could continue, I saw everyone coming out of the room. I walked towards Magnus and Alexander as they went on the balcony.

"If we wanna bring Jace back, we have to get through to him using the strongest connection possible." Magnus told him

Ahh, there talking about how to bring Jace back.

"Which is me. I'm in. Whatever it takes." Alexander said.

"Always the big brother." I thought.

Always the big brother, but I worry.

"I don't think you understand. This isn't like the last time we tried to use you parabatai connection to help Jace. If you go in, Lilith could get her demonic claws into your soul as well." I told him fiercely.

"I have to do this." Alexander told us

"Of course. But if we help you and we lose you..." Magnus started

"I know." Alexander started grabbing our hand into his. "It's just, if... if I don't get Jace back, I... Without him, I'm... I'm nothing." Alec told us with all his heart out in the open

"Then we'll do this." Magnus told him

"But you're not going alone." I told him

We left the balcony, heading towards the office, with Isabelle already inside. We explained the situation to her.

"So, I can go with Alec to save Jace, even though I'm not his parabatai?" Isabelle

"It's possible, but it would require more magic and give you less time inside." Magnus explained

"No. I'll take the chance, but I'm not putting Izzy in that kind of danger." Alexander told us

"Last time you tried to use your parabatai connection, you were in a coma and almost died. Jace was the only person who could save you. And this time we won't have him to bring you back." Isabelle told him before turning towards Magnus and I. "What exactly do we have to do?" She asked.

"Why would you both go through all that trouble for me?" Jace asked.

"You're our brother. we will always fight for you." Isabelle told him.

"She's right, Jace. Since day one, you have been part of our family and we fight for our family." Alexander told him.

"You have to find Jace and bring him out with you." I told them.

"How?" Alexander asked

"When you find him, you all have to be linked. Now, Magnus and I will have one shot to pull you all out together." I told them

"So, it's settled. Let's go bring back our brother." Isabelle said

"When y'all get in there, if you see red, it's my magic. It will keep Lilith from getting to both of your souls. I'll hold for as long as I can. When it starts disappearing you have five minutes left." I them

"Understood." Alec told me

We all nodded, before going back to the living room.

"Hey, what are the chances I could get a beer in here?" Jace asked

"None. Let's go." Alexander said

"You guys were always the smart ones in the family. You really think you can save Jace from Lilith?" Jace asked

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