Chapter 19

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Two years later

Rowan's Pov

Two years ago we left for the castle, without Xya, a few weeks later we return, but we never found her. But I know she's alright, I can feel her presence nearby and I know if I were ever to need her she'll be there in a second. No of our pack know what she's doing or if she'll return, but we know that Xya will never be far. Because family is forever. At least our family. Although none of us are together anymore we're still there for each other. It's just a feeling you get.

Neither Kaia nor Xya has mind linked once, so they must be alright. Kaia would never hesitate to ask for help and Xya, despite her stubbornness, wouldn't be stupid enough to not ask for help is really needed. 

I guess this is how it ended. Three years ago we thought we would run forever, now me, Hunter, Kyle, James, Match and Michael live in my childhood home or the nice house in the forest. These two places aren't much. But they're aren't hideaways anymore. Now at night we can sleep knowing we are safe and free.

I walk outside and look at the forest beyond, feeling the need to shift I run into the woods and weave between the trees, shifting as I do. The wind rushes through my white fur and I feel a scene of peace. 

Then I hear a howl - from Xya.

So I answer back with a howl of my own.

And you know, I think Kaia answered too.

Xya's Pov

I watched my sister walk away happy and then the pack hurry off to the castle for a few weeks. I didn't want to go, so I stayed in the forest alone. And it was great. So I never went back. I didn't want to, thing would never be the same, they didn't need me and I had so many things to do. So I did them.

I travelled around for a few months and saw what we'd been missing. Then I returned to the forest I grew up in and now live in a nearby cave. I spend most my time in wolf form, which might sound bad, but it's really not. I enjoy running through the forest and chasing the wildlife. Of course I miss my family, but there not to far away and will never be out of reach. 

I follow the wind to the edge of my cave and watch the incredible horizon, the cave overlooks a lake and is surrounded by endless miles of forest. It is perfect. Maybe one day I'll return, but for now this is where I'll be. 

I decide that right now is the time for a run so I set of, my paws thundering on the ground, taking me anywhere and everywhere. I twist through the trees, heading to a familiar boarder, which I cross without question. I make my way to the clearing where the pack house stands. Sitting on the grass basking in the sun is a very familiar girl, or now woman, who holds a small baby in her arms, a large smile on her face. Kaia. How she has changed. But the girl I once knew is still there, just grown now. 

I don't stay long, soon I've turned and heading for the border. Before I reach it I let out a loud howl which rips through the air. I hear two howls in reply.

Then, I disappear into the forest.

Kaia's Pov

I kiss Jason on the cheek before slipping out the backdoor and stepping out into the clearing. My bare feet feel the grass beneath me and I smile. Even after two years I still love nature, it has and always will be a part of me. I make my way over to the middle the the clearing where I sit, cradling my baby. Her name is Anna and she's almost a year old. I wish Xya and Rowan could meet her, but I haven't heard from them, so I can only assume they are alright. This is my family we're talking about, they're always okay.

I sit on the grass for hours, enjoying the sun and nature. Then I hear a howl. Xya. I know it's her, then I hear Rowan's howl reply. So I return a howl off my own. Three howl of content. I was right, they are fine. Then Anna wakes up are starts crying.

"Shh, it's okay. Don't be scared" I coo, she still cries on.

"It's okay. One day I'll tell you a story" I say as I stand up, "And I'll explain everything, like how I got here, or why the world is different and why you don't need to be afraid. 

"I'll tell you about our family, my brother and sister, your grandparents and our distant cousins, I can tell you lots of stories about them. I'll teach you about our family and why it is special - and it's very special. 

"And one day I'll tell you what's out there, who's out there. There's James and Kyle, Hunter, Match and Michael, not actual family, but are still family all the same. They're people who changed the world. 

"Then there's Rowan and Xya, who saved me in more than one way. They're good people. 

"One day, you'll know who they are. 

"And one day, maybe you'll meet them. 

"The Royal Rogues."

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