Chapter 17

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I could feel the air being choked out of me, but I keep fighting.

"I challenge you for the title of ruling king" I wheeze out. A large gasp echoes around the crowd, the executioner releases me and backs away.

"You can't do that, only the oldest child of Royal blood can" He argues.

"Then, I challenge you" Rowan pipes up, everyone looks to Rowan and I grin. 

"Rowan is the oldest child of Royal blood, you saw for yourself" I smirk, cutting the king off before he can argue. The king opens his mouth to counter back, but no words come out.

This is a better ending.

Me, Kaia, the guys and some other guards form a circle around the King and Rowan. The two of them stare at each other. 

'Don't do anything stupid. Fight how we train reckless and ruthless. But don't kill - show this mercy and everyone can see the truth.'  I mind link Rowan.

'Any other suggestions?' he asks.

'Nope. You've got this. He's probably never fought in his life, you grew up fighting for your life' I reply.

'Thanks' I notice a small smile form on his lips.

'Go show em who we are' I add before closing the mind link.

The King  lunges at Rowan, who easily dodges. The two the begin swiftly and quickly attacking, dodging, punching, kicking, biting, tackling each other, leaving them to become a blur of movement in front of me. When the movements come to a stop, the king is in a corner on the floor and Rowan is standing proudly at the other side of the circle, grinning at his victory.  The king stumbles to his feet, then in one swift movement he draws a silver knife, swings around, capturing Kaia in a headlock with the knife pressed to her neck.

My pack freezes. Kaia is frozen is fear.

"Make one move and she's dead!" The king commands.

"Let's be reasonable" Hunter compromises, taking a step forward, the king applies more pressure on the knife.

"I don't want to die. I changed my mind. I do actually want to meet my mate, decide weather or not it is worth it." Kaia confesses with much struggle, she looks at me begging for help, in return I give her a reassuring nod, hoping to tell her it will be alright. A message which she misses. 

A new figure arrives at the scene, bewildered at what he sees before him, they stop in their tracks and gasp, I flick my head towards the sound, to see a young man, in his mid-twenties, with dark brown hair and eyes. The shock hold him in place momentarily, before he breaks free and in on the stage. He doesn't struggle to push into the circle as the guards let him in as if it is instinct. 

"Father!" he shouts. The king's head snaps up and the knife's pressure eases, some blood can now be seen trickling down the cut.

"Don't do this!" He continues.

"Son. She's gone, I'm going to die either way. I might as well take another rogue with me" The king calmly replies. 

"Don't do this" The son repeats as he takes several steps closer until he is beside the king. Then he prises the knife out of his hands. Kaia instantly rushes away to come stand beside me. 

"If we may sort this out back at the castle?" The mysterious prince gestures to towards the castle, we nod and then set off.

When we return, we gather  in a meeting room around a large wooden table. The King and his son stand together on one side, while my pack group together on the other side.  For the following hours we discuss our situation, our demands, the future and several other important matters. After hours and hours of arguments and counter arguments, we reach a solution - and no on had to die from disagreements. 

"Then I apologise, I was wrong. I accept your offer. Rogues may be free if they uphold peace and respect" The King concludes, before withdrawing from the room. 

"Stay for a couple more days, then we can sort out anymore issues, then you will be free to roam the world" The prince declares. That night we part, staying in fancy room, knowing that the future is going to be one interesting place.


The following evening we make our way to the dining room, where we shall feast, and toast - to a bright future. Everyone is there, except the king himself, but I don't think much off it. The meal is served and all of us get lost in conversations and the sounds of happiness accompanied with laughter fills the room.

Everything seems great. Until a guard comes rushing into the room, we all fall silent. 

"The King" he pants, the prince stands up and dashes out of the room, me, Rowan and Kaia close behind. We arrive at the king's quarters. The prince bursts into the room and is kneeling beside the bed within a second. 

"I was never going to make it long without your mother" he coughs. His mate is dead, that only means one thing... death. 

"Stay with me father" the prince begs, "Don't leave me now, I'm not ready" 

"You were born ready. Be brave my son" he says with his last breath. 

The King is dead.

One era has ended.

Now a new reign begins.

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