Chapter 18

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"You will return, won't you?" The prince asks, "To help rebuild the kingdom. I would like the kingdom to be built properly this time"

"I suppose we can" Rowan replies with a nod to Hunter.

"Then goodbye, until next time" The prince waves goodbye. He stands on the steps of the palace and watches as we disappear out of sight.

We run through the wood, the wind brushes through my fur and for the first time I don't have to fear for my life, I can just enjoy the moment. I like this feeling. I jump over the fallen logs and the tree roots until we arrive at the edge of the territory. We walk through the woods until the grey pack house comes into view and we come to a halt. Rowan and I walk a few more steps forward with Kaia, breaking off into our own little groups. Then we wait.

Jason bursts through the doors and comes running towards his mate, when he gets closer he slows to a walk. Behind him waiting at the door is Evelyn, who I give a nod. 

"You ready?" I ask.

"Absolutely not" She answers with a laugh.

"If it goes wrong, remember this, you can always beat him up. And if you don't want to, I gladly will. I'll be a mind link away. 

"All our life we've followed three rules: Don't attract attention, don't pick a fight you can't win, never go near a pack. Forget those rules. You'll be alright. You've got this Kaia" I give her a hug, which Rowan does the same after.

"One mind link and I'll be here" I pull her into one final embrace.

Kaia stands up and looks at her mate, then smiles. She walks away from us. When she reaches him she takes his hand and falls into his embrace. Together they turn around and head back towards the pack house.

And I know she'll be okay. 

Because she doesn't look back.

Not even once.

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