Chapter 2 - Questioning the new ally

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(this chapter is mostly dialoge)

As the sky turned a but darker, which is considered the dimension's version of night-time, the five aliens were ready to sleep, Mikey had a nightmare, but it didn't affect him much, he woke up by Himotuara's... hand?... on his shoulder, it was time to eat as each member grabbed themselves an alien bug for a meal, they all gathered around some shiny crystals, Mikey looked around, seeing all of these new faces, treating him so nice as if he was already one of them, but Snikolas was staring at him up and down, no one seemed to notice it but Mikey.

Snick - "Hey uhh... Micha..."

Mikey - "Michelangelo."

Snick - "Right, right. So... why exactly are you here? In dimension X I mean."

Mikey - "H-huh? Oh, well... I kinda.... came here to look for a friend."

Snick - "Did you find him? Or were you captured before you could?"

Mikey - ".... I did but... he's gone now..."

Snick - "Oh... gee... sorry for bringing it up"

Snick and everyone else looked away awkward, the revelation was a bit shocking to them, but Jukin then decided to change the subject.

Jukin - "But then.... if you "came" here, weren't you supposed to have a plan to get out of here? Or anything like that?"

Mikey - "My brothers were with me when it happened, I thought if anything... they'd come with me or... come to save me, when you barged into that base, I for a moment hoped it would be them, coming to save me, y'know? But it's been so long... I don't know what's taking them so long, I don't understand."

Snick - "So they... Abandoned you?!?" 


Snick - "Whaaaaat? Will you tell me it doesn't sound like that?" 

Himo - "Well... you don't say stuff like that in someone's face..." 

Mikey - "N-no, really, it's fine! I guess.... he... does have a point..."

Morgan - "Even if they did, worse for them, they lost a really nice guy."

Mikey - "W-wha?! Oh, thanks. Haha!"

Himo - "I am so very sorry for our friend's awful behavior."

Mikey - "No problem, believe me, I heard worse."

Jukin - "And is that supposed to be something good?"

Mikey - "Uhhhhh..."

Himo - "Oh, stop it, Jukin!"

Snick - "But if that's the case, would you like to join us? Start over from scratch?"

Mikey - "WAIT!!! wait! Really?! Can I?"

Himo - "Why, that's an wonderful idea, there's always room for one more, what do you guys think?"

Jukin - "Well, why not? He seems like good company,"

Morgan - "I don't know... you're sure of that, uhh... turtle?"

Mikey - "Y-yeah!! I've been here for almost an year waiting, they won't come now! And exploring space? Sounds awesome!!!"

Morgan - ".... *sigh* Alright, you can come, fine by me."

Snick - "SWEET!! Haha! Welcome to the crew, little guy!!!" *Snick threw his arm around him as he cheered on*.

Mikey then, was accepted into the group, he celebrated with them and put on his iconic Kraang cap he got back along with his stuff from his cave.

Mikey - "Ha! I bet you can't guess what this hat is made of."

Himo - "Oh? It has a familar shape... but what is it?"

Snick - "H-hum... c-could it be?...."

Jukin - "It... it looks like.... no way!"

Mikey - "Yep, Kraang's brain!~ Hahaha. It's a dead dried Kraang I captured once, I have a few more here if you want, it sure helps scaring them off!"

Morgan - "Y-y-you.... wear dried corpses... as acessories?!?!"

Mikey - "Acessories? No no, more like threat armor, it's not so resistant, but it sends them a message that I'm not to be messed with!"

Himo - "That's a bit scary... but weirdly fascinating."

Morgan - "That's morbid, how cold can you be?"

Mikey - "Cold? I'm not_"

Jukin - "Cold?! That's awesome!! And so edgy!!! You're so badass, man! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. That's such cool strategy!"

Mikey - "A-ah?! Really, thank you! I_"

Snick - "Can I really have one? It would be sharp!"

Mikey - "Hah? Sure! I have plenty."

Snick - "Hooray!!"

Himo - "Hahaha, oh dear, what do we do with you guys?"

Morgan - "I'm surronded by genocidals..."

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