Chapter 3 - Picking up the pieces

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After a few weeks of fraternazing with his new friends and going on countless heists with them, Mikey and the others quickly gather most of the pieces they needed to build the portal, but there was still something missing.... a generator... the main and most difficult to get, piece they needed, not knowing where they would be able to even find anything like that, it was so hard to think, while Himotuara and Snikolas discussed a plan to look for it, Michelangelo was a bit lost in his thoughts, he was about to start over, this was the beginning of his new life, but he felt like something was still missing.

A part of him was lost and taken away from him, it was painful, like if he had a piece of heart missing, he wanted an end for the pain, but couldn't come up with anything to manage it, Morganite came to check on him since he seemed so blue.

Morgan - "Hey, Mike. What's on your mind?"

Mikey - "Oh... hey... Uhh, I'm just resting a bit."

Morgan - "You woke up from a nap less than a hour ago."

Mikey - ".... ok, you got me there."

Michelangelo eventually finds himself in a position where he can actually confess about his feelings, to be more open and a bit vulnerable.

Mikey - "I just... I'm just bummed out, man. My brothers left me here just like that and I don't even know why, like, will they come back for me? Will they not? Did something happened that caused this? Maybe the portal broke?.... and now... I'm leaving to a random spot in the galaxy where I'll probably never see them again, and I still don't know what's gonna happened! Maybe they WILL come for me, maybe going off on my own accord IS the right thing to do, I just don't know! I can't see the future!! It's just.... too much... and I don't know how to deal with this, it's frustating, y'know?"

Morgan - "So... you're afraid to go because of the risk of your brothers actually coming to look for you?"

Mikey - "Well.... this seems like a possibility, I guess. I don't know what's going on back home."

Morgan - "I have to say, I'm surprised you still call that place 'home'... or those poeple your 'brothers', if I was in your shoes, i'd be furious! But you.... you seem to hold sorrow and self blame for what happened, are you not even seeking revenge? Don't you hold any resentment?"

Mikey - "I.... no, no I don't, I mean, I don't think so..."

Morgan - "But why?! What did they do to deserve being spared from blame?"

Mikey - "They're my brothers!! My family, we love eachother through our ups and downs and I can't even begin to say how awful of a brother would I be by just assuming the worst of them without the full the story!! As far as I know, they could be facing hell while looking for me somewhere else, maybe other dimension or something! But how would I know?! I'm not there!!"

Morganite was taken aback by Michelangelo's sudden snap, but he was still trying to be understanding of his situation, so he pats his shoulder to show support and comfort, Mikey sighs it out.

Himotuara and Snikolas come forward with a plan, after some analysis, they found a generator in the Kraang's HQ very far away from where they were, but it was still their best shot at getting the last piece they needed, the whole team gathered up later that day to build their strategy for how to break in.

A certain session of the HQ is less crowded at later hours and has an access to the main vent system, the tubes were too thin for anyone to fit inside but Himotuara, as a mushroom alien, doesn't have this problem so she can squeeze through the tubes to make her way around the facility and open some hidden gate for her friends to come inside, from that point on, they can meet again in the core to collect the generator and then escape before they're taken captive, Michelangelo is a bit nervous about the lack of a scape plan but he decides to trust them, in his mind it seems plausible that they know what they're doing, they've been here far longer than him so they must at least have some idea of what to do in a situation like that.... right?

Cutting to the mission, they successfully break into the place and are now struggling to get to the center of the HQ like they planned, they obviously get caught and an allarm is set off, they have a rough time getting the generator and they barely get out of there alive, but they somehow manage to leave that hellish place, but they're being chased, so once they arrive to their camp, Jukin and Morganite have a short time to quickly put together the machine to open the worm hole, they are the only ones there that know how to do this and the pressure almost eats them up.

But once the machine is done, they rip the fabric of that dimension open and a huge flash of light bursts through and it seems like time stops for a moment, the squad is sucked through the cracks of the universe, and spat out somewhere in open space, Michelangelo is desperated and filled with fear and anxiety, thinking that the void of space will freeze him, will his head explode like in the comics he read? Is this how his life ends? Is this what the crazy course of his life led him to? His long and agonizing existential crisis that flashed through his mind in a mere second is suddenly cut off as a bubble wraps the crew around in safety.

Mikey looks around and sees that the bubble is produced by a strange laser that comes from a red planet, Mikey is still exhausted, tired, confused and conflicted from the past sittuation, his mind is still fuzzy from the worm hole trip so in a moment of just being fully drained out from his experience, he faints, along with his whole team, they all pass out temporarily as their abducted by the red planet that just apparently saved their lifes.

The space traveler जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें